
angiosperm n.被子植物。


Hofmeister aso showed that the gametophytes and sporophytes of seed - bearing plants were homologous with those of ferns and mosses and that the gymnosperms formed a plant group between the latter and the angiosperms 他認為種子植物的孢子體和配子體與蕨類以及苔蘚類是同源的,還指出裸子植物形成了一個單獨的組群,它是位于蕨類植物與被子植物之間的一個植物類群。

Because of the special position of the genus paeonia in angiosperms and the enormous economic value of cultivated tree peonies , it is of great importance to have a better understanding of the interspecific relationships among species in sect 由于芍藥屬在被子植物中的特殊系統位置和栽培牡丹重要的經濟價值,研究牡丹組的種間關系具有重要的理論和實踐意義。

Through investigation to west lake spot in huizhou , it showed that the pot had 127 species woody plant which belong to 48 families , including 6 families 8 species gymnosperm and 42 families 118 species angiosperm 摘要通過對惠州市西湖風景區的木本植物資源的調查,結果表明該景區的木本植物種類總類為48科127種,其中裸子植物有6科8種,被子植物有42科118種。

As a result , western liaoning province has become one of the most important areas in the world for the study on the origin of birds , dinosaur evolution , and the early evolution and radiation of birds , mammal and angiosperms 我國遼西地區已經成為世界上研究鳥類起源,恐龍的進化,鳥類、哺乳動物以及被子植物的早期演化和輻射等最重要的地區之一。

Among thein , 2 species and 1 species are respectively pteridophyta and gymmospermae . all the others are angiosperm . the number of genera and species amount to 97 . 27 % and 97 . 87 % of all the genera and species of the wetland 其中蕨類植物2種,裸子植物1種,而被子植物的屬數和種數分別占南大港濕地植物總屬數和總種數的97 . 27和97 . 87 。

As an effective evolution strategy of angiosperms , double fertilization can enhance the survival of the embryos , seeds and seedlings in which endosperms play a key role in the development of seeds and embryos 摘要雙受精是被子植物的一個有效的進化策略,增加了胚和種苗成活的機會,其中胚乳在胚以及種子發育中至關重要。

Ching in 1978 ; those of the naked - seed plants ( gymnosperms ) follows that of kubitzki in 1990 ; and those of the flowering plants ( angiosperms ) follows the system of cronquist in 1988 標本是以科歸類,蕨類植物采用了1978年的秦仁昌系統,裸子植物采用1990年的kubitzki的系統,被子植物則采用1988年cronquist的系統。

However , a small minority of angiosperms that perform apomixsis can overcome the effect of genomic imprinting to normally develop its endosperms without fertilization or with false fertilization 然而極少數進行無融合生殖的被子植物,它們的胚乳可以在假受精或不受精的情況下克服基因組印記效應的影響且正常發育。

Thirdly , it is possible that acorus is in an isolated , primitive position among the monocotyledon . the systematic position of acorus among the angiosperms deserves to be studied deeply 菖蒲屬可能是整個單子葉植物中一個較孤立的、原始的類群,它在整個被子植物中的系統地位,目前尚無定論,還有特深入探討。

So far , achieved studies on calcium in embryo sac of angiosperm mostly located in memebrane - binding calcium and total calcium but little in free cytoplasmic calcium ( [ ca2 + ] cyt ) 到目前為止,對植物胚囊中鈣的研究也絕大多數局限于總鈣和膜鈣的的測定,而對于被子植物胚囊內胞質游離鈣的研究則幾乎是空白。

Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families , such as melastomataceae , solanaceae , lytbraceae , leguminosae and pontederiaceae , but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa 異型雄蕊在野牡丹科、茄科、千屈菜科、豆科、雨久花科等多個科中都有分布,但其分化與程度常隨類群而異。

Obstacles to progress are : ( 1 ) the double fertilization of most angiosperms occurs internally , deep within ovary tissues , as a result it is very difficult to investigate the truth 這方面的研究之所以比較滯后,一方面是由于大多數被子植物胚囊深藏于子房內,為處理和觀察帶來很大困難。

These genera and ephedra also hve advanced tracheids with a structure reminiscent of angiosperm vessels , whereas in other gymnosperms the xylem is composed solely of more primitive tracheids 這些屬以及麻黃屬植物和被子植物一樣有進化的管胞,而其他的裸子植物的木質部只由很多導管組成。

He also observed that gymnosperm ovules were not enclosed in an ovary wall , leading to the establishment of one of the basic differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms 他還觀察到裸子植物的胚珠并不是被子房壁包圍,這個發現直接導致了被子植物和裸子植物之間最根本的幾點區別的建立。

We transferred the hetero - logous gene into toreniafournieri successfully . this method laid a foundation for study of double fertilization of angiosperm by transgenic tecnology 我們將外源基因成功地導入藍豬耳,為利用轉基因的手段研究被子植物受精和胚囊發育打下基礎。

One fuses with the egg cell to form a zygote while the other either degenerates or , in certain angiosperms , fuses with the polar nuclei to give the primary endosperm nucleus 一個與卵細胞結合形成受精卵,另一個要么退化,要么在某些被子植物中與極核結合形成初生胚乳核。

Funicle ( funiculus ) the stalk attaching the ovule ( later the seed ) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries . nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed 珠柄:被子植物子房中連接胚珠(之后的種子)和胎座的柄。營養物質通過珠柄傳遞到胚珠和種子。

Angiosperms are divided into two major classes , the monocotyledons ( monocotyledonae ) and dicotyledons ( dicotyledonae ) , with a small basal group known as primitive dicotyledons 被子植物可以劃分為兩個綱,單子葉植物綱和雙子葉植物綱。

Gymnosperms lack endosperm and the precise double fertilization characteristic of the angiosperms , although some show a primitive form of it 盡管裸子植物還保留有某些被子植物的基本形態,但它沒有被子植物所特有的胚乳以及雙受精現象。