
angioplasty n.【醫學】血管成型術,血管清理術。

Cohen said patients with stable heart problems , like the ones in the latest study , “ probably should not be receiing this therapy ( angioplasty ) on a first - line basis . 對于像最新研究中那樣的穩定型心臟病病人,科恩說: “他們也許不應該首先考慮接受這項治療(血管成形術) 。 ”

“ i have to be optimistic with my own personal health and the direction i ' m going , ' ' said jackson , who had an angioplasty last saturday to unblock an artery to his heart 杰克遜說: “對我個人的健康和前途,我得保持樂觀。 ”他上周日切除了一個主動脈瘤。

It has been reported that the number of people undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty commonly known as “ balloon angioplasty “ has increased in recent years 據報,近年越來越多人接受經皮徹照冠狀血管成形俗稱“通波仔“手術。

“ they ran into some complications with your husband ' s balloon angioplasty , mrs . meyers . 梅斯太太,他們給你丈夫做的動脈球囊擴張手術,遇到了一些并發癥。

“ they ran into some complications with your husband ' s balloon angioplasty , mrs . meyers . “梅爾斯夫人,他們在實施氣囊血管成型手術時遇到了一些麻煩。 ”


A stent is typically inserted into a heart artery during angioplasty , a procedure in which a miniature balloon is guided through a essel in the groin and then inflated to flatten a clog and restore blood flow to the heart 血管成形術是通過腹股溝血管,將導管插入到心臟動脈阻塞部位,使用微型氣囊充氣的方法消除阻塞,使心臟血供恢復的方法;而支架通常在血管成形術中被插入心臟血管。

Purpose to evaluate the efficacy of inserting inferior vena caval filter , catheter - directed thrombolysis , mechanical thrombectomy , percutaneous transluminal angioplasty ( pta ) and stent placement in the treatment of il iofemoral venous thrombotic occlusion 目的探討綜合應用下腔靜脈濾器置入術、血管內溶栓術、血栓清除術、血管成形術及內支架置入術治療髂-股靜脈血栓性閉塞的療效。

Although some are used during heart bypass surgery , most coronary stents are inserted as a follow - up to angioplasty , a less invasive procedure in which the blockage is cleared from inside the artery by inflating a balloon 雖然也有一些被用于心臟搭橋手術,但大多數心血管支架用于血管成形術的后續治療器械,這樣可以使通過給氣球充氣從動脈內部清除動脈阻塞的過程更不易擴散。

Although some are used during heart bypa surgery , most coronary stents are i erted as a follow - up to angioplasty , a le invasive procedure in which the blockage is cleared from i ide the artery by inflating a balloon 雖然也有一些被用于心臟搭橋手術,但大多數心血管支架用于血管成形術的后續治療器械,這樣可以使通過給氣球充氣從動脈內部清除動脈阻塞的過程更不易擴散。

Methods the incidence , extent and distribution of calcification in stenosis site assessed with ivus and its correlation with age , gender and coronary risk factors were analyzed in 88 patients undergoing balloon angioplasty 方法用血管內超聲觀察了88例經皮冠脈球囊成形術患者狹窄部位鈣化的發生率、范圍及分布類型,并分析其與年齡、性別及冠心病危險因子之間的關系。

Among them , the angioplasty is an effective minor - wounded method for coronary heart disease . unfortunately , the incidence of restenosis which is confirmed with xoronaty angiongrahy over the first six months following angioplasty remains 30 % ~ 50 % 但是術后6個月內經冠狀動脈照影證實的血管再狹窄的發生率高達33 50 ,影響冠狀動脈成形術的遠期療效。

The big study to be reported on tuesday compared angioplasty plus optimal heart medications ? aspirin , beta blockers , ace inhibitors and statins to lower cholesterol ? to medications alone 周二將報道的大型研究比較了血管成形術與最佳心臟病藥物(包括阿司匹林,受體阻斷劑,血管緊張素轉換酶抑制劑和他汀類降脂藥)聯合使用與單純藥物使用的影響差異。

The advent of balloon angioplasty reduced the intrusiveness for certain patients ; a balloon was fed along a catheter to the blockage , then expanded to crack and compress the plaque , leaving a wider conduit for blood flow 氣球血管造形術則降低了手術侵入程度:氣球沿著導管送進堵塞的血管區域,然后氣球會充氣,壓碎并壓緊粥狀硬化斑,以利血液流通。

Invasive cardiac service is an essential and integral part of acute medical service . percutaneous coronary interventions ( balloon angioplasty with stenting ) have become an effective treatment for coronary artery disease 創傷性的治療方法為心臟科醫生普遍采用的治療方法,其中冠狀動脈介入手術(俗稱通波仔手術)為治療冠心病的有效方法。

Clinically significant vasospasm requiring angioplasty occurred in 11 patients ( 6 . 5 % ) with subarachnoid hemorrhage , and 120 patients ( 71 % ) with subarachnoid hemorrhage required ventricular shunts 臨床上出現明顯的血管痙攣并伴有蛛網膜下腔出血,需血管成形術治療者11名( 6 . 5 % ) , 120名( 71 % )有蛛網膜下腔出血者行腦室分流術。

The angioplasty procedure on the 93 - year - old ford was successful and he was resting comfortably in his room at the hospital in rochester , spokeswoman penny circle said in a statement “ 93歲的福特的這次血管重建術做得很成功。他在羅徹斯特市醫院的病房內享受舒適的休息。 ”他的女發言人在一次講話中指出。

Dr . donald baim , boston scientific ' s chief medical officer , said doctors should look beyond surial rates and consider whether angioplasty with stents reliees chest pain 波士頓科技公司的首席醫務官唐納德?拜姆醫生稱,醫生應該不僅僅關注生存率,還要考慮血管成形術中支架的應用是否可以緩解胸痛。

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ( ptca ) , stenting , surgical resection of the bridge ( myotomy ) , and coronary bypass surgery are only reserved for the rare patient with severe symptoms 只有少數嚴重的病人才需要安排心導管、血管整形、支管置入、外科切除或冠狀動脈繞導手術。

About a million angioplasties a year are performed in the united states , some in heart attack victims and some in people with blocked arteries who have not had heart attacks 在美國大約每年要進行一百萬起血液成形手術,一些是對心臟病患者,而一些則是對沒有心臟病的動脈阻塞病人進行的。