
angioma n.(pl. -mata , angiomas) 血管瘤...


In this paper a kind of cardio - cerebral arterial bifurcation vessel hemodynamic characteristics are studied with the boundary element method , and the blood flowing velocity vector distributions have been calculated . in addition , the flow field distribution and the pressure on the particle surface are also calculated , when there is flow - round particle at the place of bifurcation , the move tendency of the particle is judged , the possible reasons of causing the atherosclerosis , thrombus , angioma are analysed 本文用邊界元方法研究了一類典型心腦動脈分支血管中血液流動的流體動力特性,計算了分支血管血液流動的速度矢量分布,同時計算了分支附近有多個顆粒狀繞流物時血液的流場分布,及顆粒物所受壓力狀況,給出了顆粒物的運動趨勢,分析了引起粥樣斑塊病變、血瘤、血栓的可能原因

Song weiming , master ' s degree supervisor , chief surgeon , is mainly engaged in the treatment and research of face neck plastic aesthetic surgery , angioma , tissue engineering , wound heals and scar , at present recruits and instructs 4 master - degree students , as the component member of teachers assists to instruct 6 doctoral - degree students , successively holds the expert member to appraise the college science and technology colleague of the ministry of education , the capital medicine development scientific research foundation projects , the national natural sciences fund projects , the national 863 projects , manages and participates many research topics of the national natural sciences fund , the ministry of public health , the chinese academy of medical sciences and peking union medical college , as the first author published 11 papers in the specialized academic magazine , edited 3 books , translated 1 book 宋維銘, 2003年6月被中國醫學科學院中國協和醫科大學評審為碩士研究生導師, 2004年8月被衛生部評審為主任醫師,主要從事面頸部整形美容外科、血管瘤、組織工程、創傷愈合及瘢痕的治療和研究,目前招收指導碩士研究生4名,作為導師組成員協助指導博士研究生6名,先后擔任教育部高等學校科學技術同行評議專家庫成員、首都醫學發展科研基金項目評審專家庫成員、國家自然科學基金項目評審專家庫成員、國家863項目評審專家庫成員,主持和參加國家自然科學基金、衛生部、中國醫學科學院中國協和醫科大學等多項研究課題,以第一作者在專業學術雜志上發表論文11篇,參與編書3本,參與譯書1本。

Inject medicine into inside of angioma , then use a special lightwave wave length 630 nanometer to radiate the surface without damaging the skin . the angioma tissue is absorbed from inside to achieve perfect result with no damage to the organs shape and functions 將特殊的光感藥物,注入血管瘤內再用特定波長的光波進行照射,表面皮膚不受損傷,使瘤細胞吸收,而正常組織不受損傷。

Mri scan revealed brainstem angioma in patient 1 , who underwent surgical intervention ; patient 2 had cavernous angioma in the brainstem and received conservative treatment with pharmacotherapy only 經核磁共振圖象檢查,前者診斷為腦干血管畸形,接受開顱手術切除,病理報告為靜脈血管瘤;后者診斷為腦干海棉狀血管瘤,僅接受保守性藥物治療。

When the vascular cannot work normally because of arteries and veins pulse , angioma , thrombus , dilapidation or aging of vascular . replanting of vascular prosthesis is necessary 當人體內血管由于動脈硬化、血管瘤、血栓、血管老化或破損等原因而不能正常工作時,需要進行血管移植(

Before and during the endovascular operation , all the cases were diagnosed as follows : arteriovenous fistula in 23 cases , cirsoid angioma 32 and cavernous hemangioma 28 本組病例術前或術中分別診斷為:動靜脈瘺23例,蔓狀血管瘤32例,海綿狀血管瘤28例。

We cannot completely cure no - pure angiomas such as angioma combained with abnormality of large blood vessels , or angioma combained with bone hyperostosis etc . it can absorb the angioma tissue only 自幼外陰部肛周有混合性血管瘤,曾在北京沈陽等地. .

Angioma silver clip 血管瘤銀夾

Angioma silver clip forceps 血管瘤銀夾鉗