
angiography n.1.血管照相術。2.血管學。


The analysis of prinzmetal ' s variant angina pectoris and coronary angiography : a report of 32 cases 變異型心絞痛與冠狀動脈造影分析附32例報告

Postpartum massive hemorrhage : clinical significances of selective ovarian arterial angiography and embolization 卵巢動脈造影和栓塞術的意義

Complete embolotherapy was mandatory because of the shock status during angiography 因為在血管攝影當中呈休克狀態,完全地加以栓塞是必須的。

Three - dimensional dynamic contrast enhanced mr angiography in original liver transplantation 三維對比增強磁共振血管造影中的透視觸發技術研究

Evaluation on the dilation effects of qingyujiuxin pills on the coranary artery by coronary angiography 冠脈造影評價慶余救心丸擴張冠脈作用

Techniques and clinical value of external 3d shaded - surface reconstruction of cranial ct angiography 血管造影仿真外視鏡成像技術與臨床價值

Congenital aortic arch anomalies diagnosed by contrast enhancement magnetic resonance angiography 對比增強磁共振冠狀動脈成像的初步研究

Cafs are usually discovered on routine coronary angiography or at autopsy 比如說在例行性的心導管檢查,或者是在解剖的時候所發現到的。

Study of utility of 2 . 0t - sgr magnetic resonance angiography in cere - brovascular disease 超導磁共振血管成像對腦血管疾病的應用研究

Fluorescein angiography showed bilateral transmitted hyperfluorescence in the foveal area 螢光眼底血管攝影可見局部傳透性高螢光。

Contrast - enhanced mr angiography for diagnosis congenital aortic arch abnormality 對比增強磁共振血管成像診斷先天性主動脈弓部畸形

3d dynamic contrast - enhanced mr angiography of aortic dissections 實時透視觸發三維動態增強磁共振血管成像技術及其在頸部動脈的應用

Heart mr angiography 胸主動脈造影

Upper artery angiography 腦血管造影

Lower vein angiography 上肢靜脈造影

Color flow angiography 彩色血流造影

Lower artery angiography 上肢動脈造影

Pag pelvic angiography 骨盆血管造影術

Uterus angiography catheter 子宮造影導管