
angelus n.1.【天主教】(早晨、中午、晚上為紀念耶穌降臨人世而...

On each of the test machines , we need to add a single user account and give it administrator privileges ; we call the username “ auditor “ and give it a password “ angelus . “ this is the only action that needs to be manually performed at each machine 在每臺測試機器上,我們都需要添加一個用戶帳戶并賦予它管理員特權;我們將用戶名命名為“ auditor ”并賦予它密碼“ angelus ” 。這是每臺機器上需要手工執行的唯一操作。

5 - minute walk from shibuya sta . on the tokyu den - en - toshi line , the tokyo metro hanzomon line . the three greatest masterpieces by jean - francois millet , “ the angelus “ , “ the gleaners “ and “ the young shepherdess “ are exhibited together at bunkamura the museum in shibuya 尚?法蘭斯瓦?米勒的三大名畫《晚鐘》 、 《拾穗者》 、 《牧羊女與羊群》將在澀谷的bunkamura美術館聚集一堂。


On each of the test machines , we need to add a single user account and give it administrator privileges ; we call the username “ auditor “ and give it a password “ angelus . “ this is the only action that needs to be manually performed at each machine 在每臺測試機器上,我們都需要添加一個用戶帳戶并賦予它管理員特權;我們將用戶名命名為“ auditor ”并賦予它密碼“ angelus ” 。這是每臺機器上需要手工執行的唯一操作。

5 - minute walk from shibuya sta . on the tokyu den - en - toshi line , the tokyo metro hanzomon line . the three greatest masterpieces by jean - francois millet , “ the angelus “ , “ the gleaners “ and “ the young shepherdess “ are exhibited together at bunkamura the museum in shibuya 尚?法蘭斯瓦?米勒的三大名畫《晚鐘》 、 《拾穗者》 、 《牧羊女與羊群》將在澀谷的bunkamura美術館聚集一堂。

The majestic bell of angelus in the uraue catholic church became a death toll when the atomic bomb was dropped in 1945 . made to commemorate the 60th anniversary of 以一九四五年長崎遭受原爆為題的動畫,去年終戰六十周年紀念公映,剛在法國

Nagasaki 1945 the angelus bell 長崎1945 :天使之鐘