
angelo n.安吉洛〔男子名〕。


Angelo peruzzi was extraordinary , especially in his stoppage - time save on luca toni 安杰洛.佩魯濟的表現是非凡的,特別是他撲出魯卡.托尼的瞬間射門。

“ i think that the club intends to choose between myself and angelo peruzzi for next season “我認為俱樂部下賽季應該在我和佩魯濟之間作出選擇。

Then the castle of saint angelo fired three cannon to indicate that number three had won 然后,圣安琪堡連放了三聲大炮,表示得勝的是第三號。

It ' s me , angelo 是我,安吉洛

You got me up here for that ? - angelo , nobody wants to work for you -你叫我上來就是說這個? - angelo ,人們都不愿意到咱家來干活

I do need dr . angelo 我真的需要安杰洛醫生

Get it out . angelo you ' re okay 吐出來你沒事的

Good evening . l ' m donna de angelo , and this is the golden nugget 各位晚安,我是唐娜迪安吉拉,這里是黃金酒店

Angelo ? what good does that do 安吉洛?那有什么用

After angelo s death , the mob makes jennifer their target Angelo被殺后, jennifer便成為了仇家的下一個目標。

Do you know angelo ledda ? - no 你認識安吉洛?萊達? -不

Angelo , tell me - - malcolm xwas in town , then he left -安吉羅,告訴我-馬爾科姆在那里后來他離開了

A little privacy , please , angelo 請把門關一下好嗎,安格羅

Angelo , tell me - - - malcolm xwas in town , then he left 安吉羅,告訴我-馬爾科姆在那里后來他離開了

Your guests , mr price . - thanks , angelo . welcome . sit down 你的客人,彼萊斯先生-謝謝,安格羅,坐

- your guests , mr price . - thanks , angelo . welcome . sit down -你的客人,彼萊斯先生-謝謝,安格羅,坐

Permian cruises past san angelo and into the quarter - - 帕米亞隊痛擊了圣安吉洛隊從而進入四分之一. .

Angelo , can i talk to you alone Angelo ,我能單獨和你談談嗎

Bobby , this is donna de angelo and her daughter , noelle 巴比,這位是唐娜迪安吉拉還有她女兒諾蕾