
angelic adj.天使(似)的,有天使性質的。

Angelic energy : miracle or a different kind of “ normal ' 天使的能量:奇跡或一不同類型的”常態’


Mr . xu shi ying dough works contain multi style , especially chinese and foreign masterpiece , classical story , figures of deity ' s and buddha ' s , figures of fairies and beauties , nature landscape , animals , modern culture , you can bet its all lifelike and the masterpiece is the mini half walnut that fill with 23 angelic dough sculpture 徐世英的作品風格豐富多彩,無論中外名著、古典故事、神仙佛像、仕女佳人、山水樹石、飛禽走獸、現代人物、無不栩栩如生,更嘆為觀止的是他在半個核桃殼內塑造幾十個人物的微型面塑,可謂堪稱一絕!

This , par parenthese , will be thought cool language by persons who entertain solemn doctrines about the angelic nature of children , and the duty of those charged with their education to conceive for them an idolatrous devotion : but i am not writing to flatter parental egotism , to echo cant , or prop up humbug ; i am merely telling the truth Parenthese ,會被某些人視為過于冷淡,這些人持有莊嚴的信條,認為孩子要有天使般的本性,承擔孩子教育責任者,應當對他們懷有偶象崇拜般的虔誠。不過這樣寫并不是迎合父母的利己主義,不是附和時髦的高論,不是支持騙人的空談。我說的無非是真話。

The angelic vibratory codes held within the archangelic language will increasingly integrate with our own / consciousness forms as we prepare ourselves for the ascension , thus the sound of these vibratory patterns will be incorporated into the matrix of the body of creation 包含在大天使風格編碼里的天使振動編碼(密碼)日益與我們自己的遺傳基因/意識體結合在一塊,如同我們在做升天的準備一樣,這樣這些振動模式的聲音就會結合在一起進入創造物身體內的能量矩陣里面去。

When we have come into high enough resonance with the frequency patterns of the divine names within our very own beingness , the pathway is then opened for the angelic beings holding these patterns , to project their image directly into your holistic body / mind / soul template , thereby bringing you the last distance across the upper threshold into your divine heritage : full expression of the adam kadmon template 當我們擁有了浸淫非常自我化屬性的神性名稱頻率模式進入到足夠高的共振時候,于是持有這些特質的天使生命這樣的道路就開啟了,就可以投射天使的圖像進入你全部的身體/思想/靈魂模板內去,因此把你最終的越過上面的道路帶進到神性傳承里來:這就是亞當卡德蒙模板的完整解釋。

It was just like a fairytale watching all the saints meditating around the center . upon seeing the angelic faces of my fellow practitioners , i felt their great purity , and realized i had never seen so many brightly lit faces in one place before . i wish to always inhabit such a wonderland 看著道場四處都有圣人同修在打坐,這是我有生以來第一次看到這么多像天使一般圣潔光亮的人聚一堂,令人有置身仙境的感覺,但愿我也能常居這片仙境樂土中。

Introduction : monya monya from the republic of korea daumflash works cartoon characters , he is clever because cute angelic appearance and has prompted the devil by the tail , with lively funniest story there will be a lot of people in love 曼雅monya是來自韓國daumflash作品中的卡通人物,因為他聰明可愛天使般的外表和有著惡魔心腸的尾巴,再加上活潑搞笑的劇情,一出現便得到了很多人的喜愛!

Latter - day saints believe that in 1836 an angelic elijah visited the founder of their church , joseph smith , jr . in the kirtland temple in kirtland , ohio and gave him the sacred power to seal families together 后期使徒教會(指美國新教摩門教)認為在1836年,一位天使以利亞拜訪了他們教會的創辦者約翰史密斯,在俄亥俄州基特蘭德的基特蘭德廟宇里面給他神圣的力量,去把各個家庭都粘結在一起。

More than 100 figures of shepherds , animals and townspeople decorate the elaborate scene of hills and caves and mediterranean - style houses . the angelic - looking madonna alone took two weeks to make 在這塊巧克力上,不僅有100多個人物形象,其中包括牧羊人、動物和市民,還有山巒、洞穴、地中海風格的房屋等美麗風光,人物和風景相映成趣。單單是有著天使容顏的圣母瑪利亞就花了兩周時間才完成。

Whenever any beings , be they devas , angelic beings , earthlings or worldly people , generate goodness , tolerance , loving compassion , and cooperation with each other , then this energy will be categorized as good , the god force , or positive power 每當我們或任何眾生,包括天人天使或地球的人類,發出善心寬容心慈悲心并一起合作時,他們所散發出的能量就是好的,是上帝的力量肯定的力量。

Monya monya from the republic of korea daumflash works cartoon characters , he is clever because cute angelic appearance and has prompted the devil by the tail , with lively funniest story there will be a lot of people in love 曼雅monya是來自韓國daumflash作品中的卡通人物,因為他聰明可愛天使般的外表和有著惡魔心腸的尾巴,再加上活潑搞笑的劇情,一出現便得到了很多人的喜愛!

While the lowest rank of all angelic beings - if one accepts the idea of a regulated angelic organization - angels are nevertheless members of the heavenly host and thus possess the profound and beautiful attributes given to them by their creator 雖然所有天使存在最低階級-假如一個人接受調控天使團體的思想-天使不過是天主成員而因此擁有創造者賦予他們深刻和美麗品質。

According to the second book of enoch , a useful source for angelic lore , the seven angels reside in the sixth heaven . there remains , however , serious discussion among angelologists as to when god created the angels 按照伊諾克的第二本書,天使的知識有用來源,七個天使居住在第六天堂,可是在天使科學之間的嚴肅討論中仍遺留如上帝什么時間創造了天使。

The inderlying principle of the angelic choirs is rooted in the metaphysical understanding of varying degrees of angelic perfection or the extent to which each order reflects the perfect light of god ' s illuminative love 天使唱詩班的主要法則是根植于形而上學天使各種完美程度的理解,每種程度反射了上帝啟蒙愛的完美之光。

So to blame your genes for your mistakes is not going to work out anymore because these genes can be changed in their database and can be brought to the level of a very righteous , angelic personality 因此你們不要再埋怨說是基因使你們犯錯誤,因為基因是能夠改變的,任何人都可以上升至義人的水平,成為天使般的人格。

The towers no longer seemed to be 15 ) looming tragic symbols , coloring everything in shadows . they became , rather , 16 ) angelic reminders of our responsibilities to tend to the wonders of now 雙塔不再隱隱象征著那場令一切黯然失色的悲劇,而是在善意地提醒我們:我們有責任去關注活在當下的奇妙之處。

In our world , all the sentiments and expressions of humanity , from the debasing to the angelic , are parts of a seamless whole , the global conversation of bits 在我們的世界里,所有人的情感和表達,不管是值得譴責的,還是像天使一般美好的,都屬于一個無縫的整體? ?比特的全球交談。

In our world , all the sentiments and expressions of humanity , from the debasing to the angelic , are parts of a seamless whole , the global conversation of bits 在咱們的世界里,一切人的情感和抒發,無論是值得斥責的,還是像天使普通美妙的,都屬于一個無縫的全體? ?比特的全球交談。

These sacred symbols are accompanied here with their correspondent vocables . each of these symbols / vocables has an angelic energy which is associated with it 這里跟神圣符號伴生的是它們的通訊詞匯。這些符號/詞匯中每一個都具有與之聯合一起的天使能量。