
angela n.安吉拉〔女子名〕。

Angela : a play called “ the empty room “ 安琪拉:一出叫“空房間”的話劇。

Angela : and “ no news is good news “ 安琪拉:還有“沒有消息就是好消息” 。

Angela ' s last words were , “ now i am leaving you 安琪的最后勸言為,現在,我將離去。

Angela : a play called “ the empty room “ 安琪拉:一出名叫“空房子”的戲劇。

“ i ' m so sorry , “ said wendy moira angela “真可惜。 ”溫迪?莫伊拉?安琪拉說。

Angela : doctor : “ tell him i can ' t see him . 安琪拉:醫生說: “告訴他我看不見他。 ”


Angela : a play called “ the empty room “ 安琪拉:一出叫“空房間”的話劇。

Angela : and “ no news is good news “ 安琪拉:還有“沒有消息就是好消息” 。

Angela : yes - if i can find something cheap 安琪拉:是的假如能找到便宜的車子的話。

Angela : thanks . a drink for you , mary 安吉拉:謝謝。瑪麗,喝一杯怎么樣?

Angela ' s last words were , “ now i am leaving you 安琪的最后勸言為,現在,我將離去。

Angela : how long did he stay on the desert island 安琪拉:他在荒蕪的小島上待了多久?

Angela : yes . did your nephew send you that joke 安琪拉:是的。是你外甥寄來的笑話嗎?

Angela : yes , i would . i ' ll look forward to it 安琪拉:好啊!我會去,并且滿心期待地!

Angela : what time does his meeting finish 安琪拉:他的會議什么時候結束?

Angela : would you get me another gin and tonic 安吉拉:你能再給我來一杯杜松子酒嗎?

Angela : a play called “ the empty room “ 安琪拉:一出名叫“空房子”的戲劇。

I ' d love it if angela showed me something 我希望angela向我展示點兒的東西

Angela : i didn ' t know number 3 . thanks 安琪拉:我只有第三題不會答。謝謝。