
anfractuous adj.彎曲的,迂回的;錯綜的。


Such factors as product trade , factor mobility , knowledge diffusion and technological diffusion make anfractuous relation lie in the system . so region is mutual related , not isolated . the economic growth of one region depends on not only its element devotion , but also growth traces of other regions 但是,區域經濟是一個開放的系統,產品貿易、要素流動、知識和技術擴散等因素使得這些系統之間存在著錯綜復雜的聯系,這決定了區域經濟體之間不是孤立存在而是相互聯系的,一個區域經濟的增長不僅依賴于本身基礎和要素的投入也依賴于其它的區域增長的軌跡。

It briefly reviews the development course of aaa company . it presents the new anfractuous situation whose components are four industrial driving factors with wto as priority . it brings up the question , what is the source of continuous competitive advantage in new situation , and how to construct continuous competitive advantage case analysis part adopts the analysis method , which combines the determination of nature and quantity 案例部分采用寫實的手法,圖表結合,陳述了aaa公司、國內外移動通信業及相關支持性產業的現狀;簡要回顧了aaa的發展歷程;介紹了由以wto為主的四個行業驅動因素構成的錯綜復雜的新形勢;給讀者提出了: “新形勢下持續競爭優勢的源泉是什么

The residential life corresponds to the anfractuous inherent theory , and people themselves possess of synthesization and complexion . besides , humanity is influenced by the factors like education they received , society , culture and so on 人的居住生活對應的是一種錯綜復雜的內在肌理,人性隨著教育、社會、文化等因素的影響又有復雜性和多樣性的特點。

With so much anfractuous and coupling correlation , many uncertainty factors and much uncertainty information in complex devices , the fault diagnosis and maintenance decision is very difficult 但是,由于復雜設備中存在很多錯綜復雜、關聯耦合的相互關系,并存在大量的不確定因素及不確定信息,使得故障診斷與維修決策的實施較為困難。

Facing anfractuous internal and external economic environments , the chinese government has taken a series of policy measures for boosting economic growth and improving the situation of the soes 面對錯綜復雜的國內外經濟環境,中國政府實施了一系列促進經濟增長和搞好國有企業的政策措施。

The above make the real estate registration anfractuous 所有這些,最終使得物權登記成為了一個分歧叢生的領域。