
anew adv.重新,再,另。 begin one's life...

She said , pausing anew before a jeweler s window , “ what a funny bracelet ! 她又停在一家珠寶店前面,說道: “這手鐲真好玩! ”

“ every day finds joy anew 每天都有新的驚喜


Then , when our lord returns , we shall eat it anew with him in his kingdom 當我們的主降臨的時候,我們可以和他在神國里一同分享喜宴。

Obey and accept their reproach ; try hard to change and improve yourself and start anew 要順從他們,承受他們的責備,努力改進自新。

All work is as seed sown ; it grows and spreads , and sows itself anew 一切工作都好像是播下的種子;它生長開花結籽,然后又重新播種。

Begin all anew 一切從新開始!

Famous enterprise - gsk cnc equipment co . , ltd - anew move made in gsk standardization work 廣州數控設備有限公司開展標準化工作的舉措

After her initiation , grandma seemed to be born anew and became another person 印心以后,外婆可說是脫胎換骨,完全變了一個人。

War had not finished for us , as the rallosian army arose anew during the age of war 然而,戰爭沒有結束,而且還只是剛剛開始。

She said , pausing anew before a jeweler s window , “ what a funny bracelet ! 她又停在一家珠寶店前面,說道: “這手鐲真好玩! ”

This is a new term ; this is anew beginning ; this is atotally new me 這是一個新的學期;這是一個新的開始;這是一個全新的我!

We could begin anew 我們可以重新來過

The definition and subdivision anew of government function after china ' s entry into the wto 后政府職能的重新界定與細化

None is for freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew 只有每天戰勝生活的人,才配享受生活的自在。

“ every day finds joy anew 每天都有新的驚喜

Globalization and evening world - anew approach of understanding today ' s world 0和變平的世界一種新的理解今日世界的范式

A change in the weather is sufficient to create the world and ourselves anew 天氣的改變就足以創造新世界及新自我。

Let us begin anew , now 現在讓我們來重新開始。

He looked anew at tess as he passed her , and said to clare - 他從苔絲身邊走過的時候又把她重新看了看,對克萊爾說