
anesthetist n.= anaesthetist.

Moreover , some obese - related conditions like hypertension and sleep apnea began to improve in these few months . the ultimate success of surgical treatment for morbid obesity depends heavily on the will of the patient , and the collaboration among the “ obesity management team “ ( physicians , psychiatrist , anesthetist , dietitian , psychologist and physiotherapist etc ) 利用外科手術治療病態肥胖,其功效有賴病人本身的意志,以及與外科醫生同樣重要的肥胖醫療團隊(內科、精神科、麻醉科醫生,營養師,心理及物理治療師等)的協助。

The medical staff was absolutely amazed . while still pricking me , the anesthetist murmured , “ perhaps this patient has supernatural power ! 醫務人員都感到驚奇無比,麻醉師一邊刺一邊嘀咕著:這個病人也許有特異功能吧!


Four days later , a chinese medical team happened to visit the hospital where i was staying , and an anesthetist in the group was shocked at my condition and worried that my right lung would permanently lose its function if it was not re - inflated at once . so with the limited equipment available , he inflated my right lung with great effort 直到四天之后,一隊中國醫療團剛好來訪,有位麻醉師,看了我的情形,大為吃驚,擔心如果不盡快張開我的右肺,我的右肺會永遠失去功能,于是他在很有限的設備下,將我的肺部擴張。

Moreover , some obese - related conditions like hypertension and sleep apnea began to improve in these few months . the ultimate success of surgical treatment for morbid obesity depends heavily on the will of the patient , and the collaboration among the “ obesity management team “ ( physicians , psychiatrist , anesthetist , dietitian , psychologist and physiotherapist etc ) 利用外科手術治療病態肥胖,其功效有賴病人本身的意志,以及與外科醫生同樣重要的肥胖醫療團隊(內科、精神科、麻醉科醫生,營養師,心理及物理治療師等)的協助。

Because of muscle relaxant ' s potential toxic effect and complicated action mechanism , anesthetist must closely monitor and evaluate patient ' s condition of muscle relaxation to achieve the following purpose : ( 1 ) administer muscle relaxant properly to any patients 由于肌松藥具有潛在的毒副作用,且肌松藥的作用機理和藥理特性極為復雜,所以,要對病人的肌松程度進行正確評估,以實現: ( 1 )肌松藥的用量個體化。

The anesthetist then gave me an injection , and after about two minutes , he asked whether i felt any sensation . i told him i felt nothing , and he then pricked several parts of my body with a needle , but i felt no pain 這時麻醉師過來為我打麻醉針,剛過兩分鐘,麻醉師問我有無感覺,我說沒有,于是他拿針在我身上幾個地方刺,我仍無痛感。

Special hook design could help anesthetists to solve all kinds of difficult intubation operations . by utilizing light - guide fiber device , the new - style kang antai elbowed laryngoscope is more advanced and convenient 獨特的彎鉤設計可協助麻醉醫生解決各類疑難插管,新型的康安泰彎頭喉鏡運用光導纖維裝置,設計更先進,使用更方便。

The anesthetist told me to breathe . i knew he was giving me the anesthesia dose . so i breathed in some air and fell unconscious thereafter 我拿出了友誼醫院的證明,還是不行,我說我住在家屬樓,你們也要為你們的家屬考慮呀!

The medical staff was absolutely amazed . while still pricking me , the anesthetist murmured , “ perhaps this patient has supernatural power ! 醫務人員都感到驚奇無比,麻醉師一邊刺一邊嘀咕著:這個病人也許有特異功能吧!

Anesthetist and clinical it is very good major , see yourself what like 麻醉師和臨床都是很好的專業,看你自己喜歡什么了。

A nurse anesthetist unearthed a nest 一名護理麻醉師掘出一套器具。

A discussion about the quality essential to modern anesthetists 論現代麻醉醫師應具備的素質

The surgical team consists of a senior surgeon, an anesthetist and a theater sister with complete emergency equipment . 這個外科醫療隊由一名高級外科醫師、一名麻醉師及一名手術室護士組成,并帶有整套急救設備。