
anesthesiology n.麻醉學。


Scenes depict scientists of that timeline able to work in fields of alchemy , biology , chemistry , dentistry , anesthesiology , air flight , and the electromagnetic energies of the great pyramid among other sacred sites - how that link together and to the sacred geometry that forms our universe 場景描述了那個線性時間的科學家能夠在煉金術,生物學,化學,牙科學,麻醉學,空中飛行,以及其它神的場所中大金字塔的電磁能量領域工作-如何連接一起和達到我們宇宙形態的神的幾何學。

Results : the physicians knowledgeable on pain ( physicians of anesthesiology , hematology - oncology , or radiation oncology ) , physicians unfamiliar with pain ( outside of anesthesiology , hematology - oncology , or radiation oncology ) , and the 5th - yr medical students took similar negative attitudes ( 24 ? 92 % , 33 ? 89 % , and 23 ? 94 % ) toward the optimal use of analgesics for cpm 結果:不論疼痛知識豐富的醫師、其他醫師與五年級見習醫學生在合理使用止痛藥方面的態度是相似且負向的( 24 ? 92 % , 33 ? 89 % , 23 ? 94 % ) 。

Conclusions : the effect of accumulation of clinical experience and seniority of clinical practice on cpm was limited among general physicians , except for clinical specialty on anesthesiology , hematology - oncology , or radiation oncology 結論:任由醫師完全靠臨床經驗的累積來改進疼痛處理的知識與態度,其效果有限,但麻醉科、血液腫瘤科或放射腫瘤科的醫師例外。

Greeblatt ep , loeb al , longnecker de . endothelium dependent circulatory control : a mechanism for the differing periphral vascular effects of isoflurane versus halothane [ j ] . anesthesiology , 1992 , 77 : 1185 童生元,陳昆州,陳寧花,等.嬰兒上腹部手術中靜脈普魯卡因復合麻醉和硬膜外麻醉對應激反應的影響[ j ] .中華麻醉學雜志, 1997 , 17 : 556

There are some special characteristics in clinical training for students of seven - year program in anesthesiology , such as selecting teaching materials , clinical training methods and research training methods 摘要麻醉科在七年制醫學生臨床培訓方面有其自身特點,主要表現在教材選擇、臨床培訓方法、科研能力培訓等方面。

The same questionnaire was delivered again to these 78 fifth - year medical students after they had completed a modified curriculum of anesthesiology with a 4 - hour course on introduction to clinical pharmacology of cpm 此外,并給予五年級見習醫學生4個小時的疼痛處理基本原則與臨床藥理課程,以評量醫學生教育的效果。

New york ( reuters health ) jan 11 - even mild hypothermia in surgical patients increases blood loss and transfusion requirements , according to a report in the january issue of anesthesiology 紐約(路透社健康) 1月11日-據第一期麻醉學雜志報告,手術患者即使術中發生較輕度的低體溫也可增加術中失血量和輸血量要求。

The step - by - step exploration on anesthesiology both from theory and practice has helped me become more confident of my clinical skills , my scientific ability as well as my ability to study independently 對麻醉學從理論到實踐逐步深刻的認識使我更加相信自己擁有強的臨床工作能力、科研能力及自學能力!

Conclusions : american society of anesthesiology score , histology , pathologic stage , smoking status , and location of the tumor were important predictors of survival in this patient sample 結論:美國麻醉學積分、組織學類型、病理分級、吸煙狀態和腫瘤發生的未知是患者重要的生存預后因子。

In preparation for the entrance exam of graduate school , i benefited a lot with the interdisciplinary knowledge of anesthesiology and related subjects by understanding new knowledge while reviewing old one 備考研究生的過程使我將麻醉學及相關學科的知識融為一體,溫故而知新。

Kochs ek , bischoff p , pichelmeier u . surgical stimulation induce in brain electrical activity during isofluane / nitrous oxide anesthesia j . anesthesiology , 1994 , 80 : 1026 趙暉,岳云,蔡偉,等.腦電功率譜和雙頻譜指數在判斷麻醉深度上的同期比較j .中華麻醉學雜志, 1997 , 9 : 545

The professional direction of cardiopulonary bypass of anesthesiology undergraduate education has been firstly set up in china higher medical education 摘要在我國高等醫學教育領域中設置麻醉學專業體外循環學方向五年制本科教育尚屬首次。

Davies gg , et al . a blinded study using nalbuphine for prevention of pruritus by epidural fentanyl . anesthesiology 1988 , 69 : 763 葛亞力,鮑紅光,朱雯霏.曲馬多與布比卡因混合液在術后病人自控硬膜外鎮痛的應用.臨床麻醉學雜志2001 , 17 : 111

Liu s , garpenter rl , neal jm . epidural anesthesia and analgesia : their role in postoperative postcome . anesthesiology , 1995 , 82 : 1474 王俊科.椎管內麻醉.見:盛卓人,主編.實用臨床麻醉學,第三版,沈陽,遼寧科技出版社, 1996 , 329

Department of anesthesiology , the first affiliated hospital , china medical university . shenyang 110001 , liaoning ; china 中國醫科大學第一附屬醫院麻醉科

Luckily , in 2004 , i was admitted into peking union medicalcollege , majoring anesthesiology 2004年順利考取了中國協和醫科大學麻醉學專業。

Investigation on the training of personnel in anesthesiology and the teaching model reform 麻醉學專業人才培養與教學模式改革的探討

Chinese journal of anesthesiology 中華麻醉學雜志

Professor and former chairman of anesthesiology , new jersey medical school , 新澤西醫學院麻醉學系教授暨前主席