
anesthesia n.= anaesthesia.


The doctor give him a general anesthesia 醫生給他做全身麻醉

The doctor gave him a general anesthesia 醫生給做他全身麻醉。

Standard specification for ventilators intended for use during anesthesia 麻醉時用通風機標準規范

The doctor did general anesthesia to him 醫生給做他全身麻醉。

The doctor did general anesthesia for him 醫生給他做全身麻醉

Propofol anesthesia for gastroscopy during healthcare examination 無痛胃鏡技術在保健門診中的應用

The doctor make him generally anesthesia 醫生給做他全身麻醉。

The doctor did a general anesthesia to him 醫生給他做全身麻醉

Can anesthesia in - utero affect later behavioral responses 子宮內的麻醉是否影響日后的行為反應?

And what experiences have you had in the past with anesthesia 你以前接受過的麻醉經歷是怎樣的?

The doctor give him the general anesthesia 醫生給他做全身麻醉

Combined acupuncture and medical anesthesia for laryngeal reconstruction 針藥結合麻醉下喉重建術

Anesthesia gas concentration measure device based on ndir technique 技術的麻醉氣體濃度檢測裝置

We ' re having difficulty bringing him out of anesthesia 我們無法順利地讓他從麻醉狀態中清醒過來

The doctor made general anesthesia for him 醫生給做他全身麻醉。

For nose jobs , what kind of anesthesia 做鼻子整形的話,醫生會用

The doctor made a general anesthesia on him 醫生給做他全身麻醉。

General anesthesia also blocks memory 全身麻醉同時還阻滯了記憶。

The doctor took a general anesthesia for him 醫生給做他全身麻醉。