
anent 〔古語〕關于,論及;在…方面。


Powder materials can be made into even granules customer needs without adding any bonding anent when they run througnh the machine . as density of granules are larger , no any afterward process is needed so as to reduce technological process , reduce granulation cost and powder pollution and improve labor environment as well 粉體物料經本設備,無需添加任何粘結劑即可直接制成用戶所需的均勻顆粒產品,顆粒密度大,城無需再進行后續加工處理,減少了工藝流程,不僅降低了造粒成本,并且減少了粉塵污染,改善工人的勞動環境。

Mr bloom and stephen entered the cabman s shelter , an unpretentious wooden structure , where , prior to then , he had rarely , if ever , been before ; the former having previously whispered to the latter a few hints anent the keeper of it , said to be the once famous skin - the - goat , fitzharris , the invincible , though he wouldn t vouch for the actual facts , which quite possibly there was not one vestige of truth in 布盧姆先生和斯蒂芬走進了馬車夫棚,那是一座簡陋的木結構房屋,以前他輕易下曾進去過。關于那里的老板-一那位一度以“剝山羊皮” 40聞名的,也就是說, “常勝軍”菲茨哈里斯-他事先悄悄地對斯蒂芬講了幾句。當然,老板本人并不承認確有其事,而且很可能完全是無稽之談。

Skin - the - goat , assuming he was he , evidently with an axe to grind , was airing his grievances in a forcible - feeble philippic anent the natural resources of ireland , or something of that sort , which he described in his lengthy dissertation as the richest country bar none on the face of god s earth , far and away superior to england , with coal in large quantities , six million pounds worth of pork exported every year , ten millions between butter and eggs , and all the riches drained out of it by england levying taxes on the poor people that paid through the nose always , and gobbling up the best meat in the market , and a lot more surplus steam in the same vein 他以色厲內荏的申斥口吻,就愛爾蘭的天然資源問題什么的,發泄了一通牢騷。他在一席冗長的論說中描述愛爾蘭是天主的地球上無與倫比的富饒國家,遠遠超過英國,煤炭產量豐富,每年出口的豬肉價值六百萬英鎊,黃油和雞蛋則共達一千萬英鎊。但是英國卻向愛爾蘭的窮苦人民橫征暴斂,強迫他們付出驚人的巨款,并把市場上最好的肉掠奪一空。

These timely reflections anent the brutes of the field occupied his mind , somewhat distracted from stephen s words , while the ship of the street was manoeuvring and stephen went on about the highly interesting old . . 盡管斯蒂芬的話使布盧姆多少分了神,正當這艘馬兒船在街上活躍的時候,他腦子里卻滿是關于野地走獸297的正合時機的考慮。

Judge of his astonishment when he finally did breast the tape and the awful truth dawned upon him anent his better half , wrecked in his affections 想想看,好不容易才回到家,曉得了關于愛妻的可怕真相,感情觸了礁,這時該是多么令人心碎啊!

For the sake of differentiation exhaust limits anent the different use diesel engine . test and calculation have been done 為了解不同用途柴油機排放測試循環及限制的區別,在現有的臺架上依照不同測試循環進行測試和計算分析。