
anemone n.1.【植物;植物學】銀蓮花,白頭翁。2.【動物;動物...

The flowers appeared to know it ; and one and another whispered as she passed , “ adorn thyself with me , thou beautiful child , adorn thyself with me ! “ - and , to please them , pearl gathered the violets , and anemones , and columbines , and some twigs of the freshest green , which the old trees held down before her eyes 花朵象是明白這一點在她經過時,就會有那么一兩朵悄聲低語: “用我來打扮打扮你自己吧,你這漂亮的孩子,用我來打扮打扮你自己吧! ”而為了讓它們高興,珠兒也就摘了幾朵紫羅蘭銀蓮花和耬斗菜,以及一些從老樹上垂到她眼前的翠綠的嫩枝。

Most commentators think the word “ krinon “ used by jesus in the sermon on the mount is the anemone with beautiful bright colors which is found on the hill of galilee 大多數解經家認為,耶穌在登山寶訓中提到的“野地的百合花”乃是一種野牡丹,五色雜陳,遍生在加利利山間。

“ with fronds like these , who needs anemones ? “有這樣的朋友,我們還怕敵人干什么啊


The flowers appeared to know it ; and one and another whispered as she passed , “ adorn thyself with me , thou beautiful child , adorn thyself with me ! “ - and , to please them , pearl gathered the violets , and anemones , and columbines , and some twigs of the freshest green , which the old trees held down before her eyes 花朵象是明白這一點在她經過時,就會有那么一兩朵悄聲低語: “用我來打扮打扮你自己吧,你這漂亮的孩子,用我來打扮打扮你自己吧! ”而為了讓它們高興,珠兒也就摘了幾朵紫羅蘭銀蓮花和耬斗菜,以及一些從老樹上垂到她眼前的翠綠的嫩枝。

Whilst all her womb was open and soft , and softly clamouring , like a sea - anemone under the tide , clamouring for him to come in again and make a fulfilment for her . she clung to him unconscious iii passion , and he never quite slipped from her , and she felt the soft bud of him within her stirring , and strange rhythms flushing up into her with a strange rhythmic growing motion , swelling and swelling till it filled all her cleaving consciousness , and then began again the unspeakable motion that was not really motion , but pure deepening whirlpools of sensation swirling deeper and deeper through all her tissue and consciousness , till she was one perfect concentric fluid of feeling , and she lay there crying in unconscious inarticulate cries 她的整個肉體在溫柔地開展著,溫柔地哀懇著,好象一根潔水下的海蕪草,衰懇著他再進去,而使她滿足,她在火熾的熱情中昏迷著,緊貼著他,他并沒有完全滑脫了她,她覺得他的溫軟的肉蕾,在她里面聳動起來,用著奇異的有節奏的動作,一種奇異的節奏在她里面泛濫起來,彭脹著,彭脹著,直至把她空洞的意識充滿了。

Little gusts of sunshine blew , strangely bright , and lit up the celandines at the wood s edge , under the hazel - rods , they spangled out bright and yellow . and the wood was still , stiller , but yet gusty with crossing sun . the first windflowers were out , and all the wood seemed pale with the pallor of endless little anemones , sprinkling the shaken floor 一陣陣的陽光乍明乍暗,奇異的光輝,林邊棱樹下的毛莫草,在陽光照耀下,好象金葉似的閃著黃光,樹林里寂靜著,這樣地寂靜著,但給一陣陣的陽光照得揣揣不安,新出的白頭翁都在開花了,滿地上布散著它們蒼白的顏色。

In the hazel copse catkins were hanging pale gold , and in sunny places the wood - anemones were wide open , as if exclaiming with the joy of life , just as good as in past days , when people could exclaim along with them . they had a faint scent of apple - blossom . connie gathered a few for clifford 小車子前進著,在擦樹的矮林中,懸著些淡金色的花絮,在太陽曬著的地方,白頭翁盛開著,仿佛在贊賞著生之歡樂,正如往日人們能夠和它們一同贊賞的時候一樣,它們隱約地發著蘋果花香。

Professor david wan of the department of biochemistry and his post - graduate student denis ip discovered the novel orange fluorescent protein in tube anemone . it is the first native orange fluorescent protein ever cloned , and has an emission maximum lined at the orange color region of the visible light spectrum 這種天然橙色螢光蛋白是由中大生物化學系溫志昌教授及他的研究生葉子明共同研制,取自一種能發螢光的管葵,是本地首個利用生物科技克隆的螢光蛋白。

Angry tulips with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you don t please poor forgetmenot how i long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife martha s perfume 對你郁金香生氣親愛的男人花懲罰你的仙人掌假若你不請可憐蟲勿忘草我多么盼望紫羅蘭給親愛的玫瑰當我們快要銀蓮花見面一古腦兒淘氣鬼夜莖38太太瑪莎的香水。

In this larval stage of jellyfish life , the planula hooks on to the bottom of a smooth rock or other structure and grows into another stage of jellyfish life , the polyp , which resembles a miniature sea anemone 在海蜇生活的幼體階段,浮浪幼體吊掛在光滑巖石或其他構筑物的底部并長成海蜇生活的另一個階段? ?珊瑚蟲,它很像一個微縮的海葵。

The ground was fairly free of undergrowth , the anemones sprinkled , there was a bush or two , elder , or guelder - rose , and a purplish tangle of bramble : the old russet of bracken almost vanished under green anemone ruffs 有的是繁衍的白頭翁,一兩株矮樹香木或雪球樹,和一堆淡紫色的荊棘。在白頭翁的綠衣下面,衰老而焦紅的地方。

Wind - evil and remove wetness - evil . the first part of the dissertation surveyed the chemical researches on plants of anemone and chemical structure , extraction , researches on triterpenoid saponins of anemone plants 本文對毛茛科銀蓮花屬植物化學成分及該屬三萜皂苷類成分的提取分離、結構測定研究進行了綜述。

It , too , was caught and trying to tear itself free , the wind , like absalom . how cold the anemones looked , bobbing their naked white shoulders over crinoline skirts of green 原來風也是和押沙一樣,被困著,但是掙扎著想把自己解脫出來,那些白頭翁草看來多委怕冷的樣子,在它綠色的衣裙上,聳著潔白的赤裸的肩膊。

Spring does come . in the garden the rue anemones come marching out , bright as toy soldiers on their parapets of stone . the dogwoods fioat in casual clouds among the hills 春確實來了。花園里,紫紅的白頭翁花爭相競放,鮮艷奪目,像一群群玩具士兵站在石筑的護墻上;山茱萸則像朵朵彩云,繚繞山際。

Resplendent and multicolored in the sea , thousand 姿 s 100 tropical coral reef fish and various corals , sea anemones of the 態 s etc . marine life , is a sightseeing lovely view that dives the tour 海中五光十色、千姿百態的熱帶珊瑚礁魚和各種珊瑚、海葵等海洋生物,是潛水旅游的觀光美景。

Ranunculaceae a highly variable family of about 2450 species of dicotyledonous plants that includes the buttercups , monkshood , anemones , clematis , delphiniums , and hellebores 毛茛科:雙子葉植物中高度變異的一個科,約有2450個種,包括毛茛,烏頭,銀蓮花,鐵線蓮,飛燕草和藜蘆等。

In the centre of the profusion of floral tributes the tiny bunch of lily of the valley contrasted sharply with the vivid roses , daffodils , tulips and anemones that surrounded it 那一小束素雅的鈴蘭在人們送的那些鮮艷的玫瑰花、水仙花、郁金香和秋牡丹之中,顯得格外醒目。

Purplish blue , anemone - flowered ; upper petals like butterfly , stout erect stems , big elliptical leaves in dark green , half - spreading , much branched , mid - blooming 托桂型。紫藍色。頂部瓣形似蝴蝶。頸粗直。柄粗。葉大,橢圓。深綠色。株形半開張。分枝能力強。花期中。

Most commentators think the word “ krinon “ used by jesus in the sermon on the mount is the anemone with beautiful bright colors which is found on the hill of galilee 大多數解經家認為,耶穌在登山寶訓中提到的“野地的百合花”乃是一種野牡丹,五色雜陳,遍生在加利利山間。