
anemometry n.風速測定(法)。


Compared with traditional contact flow measurement methods , presents the non - contact flow measurement methods , and emphases the application of laser doppler anemometry ( lda ) and particle image velocimetry ( piv ) to flow field measurement 摘要與傳統接觸式流量測試方法相比較,介紹了非接觸式流量測試方法,重點介紹了激光多普勒技術( lda )和粒子圖像測試技術( piv )在流場測試中運用的原理。

Initial growths of disturbances are measured by means of hot - wire anemometry . due to the detected signals with low signal to noise ratio , the coherence function is used to eliminate background noise during data reduction 在擾動增長的初始階段,信號的信噪比非常地低,根據相關譜分析方法,應用相干函數,將擾動信號有效地提取出來,測量了初始擾動的增長。

Effect of photo - detector parmeters on the characteristics of phase - doppler sizing anemometry 多普勒粒子分析系統特性的影響

Laser doppler anemometry , lda 采用激光多普勒技術