
anemometer n.風速表。


Standard test method for determining the performance of a sonic anemometer thermometer 測定聲測風速計溫度計性能的標準試驗方法

Pressure tube anemometer 壓管風速表

Locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this publication 本年報內提及的測風站及潮汐測量站之分布地點。

Self - recording anemometer 自記風速計

Standard test method for average velocity in a duct using a thermal anemometer 熱風風速計測量導管中平均速率的標準試驗方法

Locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this publication 本年報內提及的測風站及潮汐測量站之分布地點

Fig . 1 network of reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system 圖一:熱帶氣旋警告系統中的參考測風站網絡

Anemometer for general use 一般用途風速計

Locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this report 本報告內提及的各測風站及潮汐測量站之分布。

Vane anemometer for mines 礦山用葉輪式風速計

Ld laser doppler anemometer 激光多普勒測速儀

Ld ? laser doppler anemometer 激光多普勒測速儀

Lda laser doppler anemometer 激光多普勒測速儀

Positions and elevations of various anemometers mentioned in this publication 本年報內各風速表的位置及海拔高度

Manufacturers of manometers , balometers , anemometers and other instruments -提供電力電工及通訊測試儀表。

Fig . 2 an anemometer near the runway 圖二跑道附近的風速表

Automatic radio wind wane and anemometer 無線電自動風向風速儀

Verification regulation of mine anemometer 礦用風速表檢定規程

Verification regulation of portable 3 - cup anemometer type dem6 Dem6型輕便三杯風向風速表檢定規程