
anemia n.= anaemia.

What is responsible for the “ anemia “ of sickle cell disease 鐮狀細胞病“貧血”的原因?


Changes of trace elements in hair of children with nutritional anemia 營養性貧血兒童頭發的微量元素含量變化

Determination of serum zn and serum cu in patients with light cooley ' s anemia 輕型地中海貧血血清鋅銅的測定

Study on relationship between anemia and total body fat , fat pattern in children 體脂分布與貧血的關系研究

Nutritional iron deficiency anemia , ida 營養缺鐵性貧血

Mechanism of langxue jiedu decoction for acute aplastic anemia 涼血解毒湯治療急性再生障礙性貧血的機制探討

On the treatment of acute aplastic anemia by chinese medicine 急性再生障礙性貧血的中醫藥治療及用藥經驗談

Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia 微血管病性溶血性貧血

Analysis of megakaryocytes and marrow aspirate in aplastic anemia 再生障礙性貧血巨核細胞數量及骨髓像分析

Rules of indirect elisa technique for equine infectious anemia disease 馬傳染性貧血病間接elisa技術規程

Studies on aplastic anemia in china 再生障礙性貧血的研究

Irons helps with the production of red blood cells and prevents anemia 鐵質協助制造紅血球,預防貧血。

Relation study between hp infection and iron deficiency anemia 幽門螺桿菌感染與缺鐵性貧血的相關性研究

Anemia is common among women with heavy menstrual periods , … 貧血在月經量過多的婦女中是很常見的, . .

Investigation on anemia of children lead poisoning in zhuhai region 珠海市鉛中毒兒童貧血發生率的調查

Huang zhenqiao ' s clinical experience on treatment of aplastic anemia 黃振翹治療再生障礙性貧血的經驗

Treatment of chronic aplastic anemia by cyclosporin a and stanozolol 康力龍治療慢性再生障礙性貧血

Refractory anemia with excess blasts rae 過量芽細胞頑固性貧血

Chronic aplastic anemia treated by liaozhang shengxue decoction 療障生血湯治療慢性再生障礙性貧血