
anecdote n.逸話,軼事,掌故,奇聞;〔pl.〕秘史。

Anecdotes of “ solar cart race 太陽能車大賽記趣


Include anecdotes and observations about what particular students were doing 包括你觀察到的特定學生在做什么。

Anecdotes of “ solar cart race 太陽能車大賽記趣

Anecdotes about the rare family surnames 稀姓趣聞

This was mr . ng ming lam s opening anecdote at the last emba forum 以上是吳明林先生于emba論壇里的開場白。

He told us an amusing anecdote of the president ' s childhood 他告訴我們總統幼年時代的一則很逗笑的趣聞逸事。

You know , there ' s a mennonite anecdote 從前有個關于

Gather some anecdotes and jokes , and share them with your friends 收集趣聞、笑話、并與你周圍的人共享!

On six anecdotes in the collection of liaochai 佚文六篇

Did you hear howie simon ' s son sold a funny little anecdote 你聽說過沒有豪伊西蒙的兒子寫了篇小軼事

Anecdotes in common people evening schools 平民夜校里的故事

Jackie , you against larocca makes a great , quaint anecdote 杰姬,你和拿偌卡對著干制造了奇聞軼事

She knows many anecdotes of bacon 她知道許多有關培根的軼事。

The significance of anecdote descriptions of the hero in records of historians 描寫傳主軼事的意義

She told us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients 她告訴我有關這家醫院及病人的趣聞軼事。

Anecdotes gave a zest to his speech 軼事給予他的演說一股趣味。

Discuss on zhang jiu - ling ' s several anecdotes 張九齡若干事跡考辨

This carline is fond of nosing about anecdotes of other families 這位老太婆愛打聽別人家的事。

The chairman ' s felicitous anecdote set everyone at ease 主席說了得體的掌故使每個人心情輕松。