
anecdotal adj.逸事(多)的。

Buried alive : in 19th - century europe there was so much anecdotal evidence that living people were mistakenly declared dead that cadavers were laid out in “ hospitals for the dead “ while attendants awaited signs of putrefaction 埋葬活人:在19世紀歐洲,如此之多的軼聞證據表明活人被錯誤地宣布死亡,以至于尸體被放在太平間里讓值班人員等候尸體腐爛的跡象出現。


Although largely anecdotal , this work strongly suggested that renowned writers , artists and composers ? and their first - degree relatives ? were far more likely to experience mood disorders and to commit suicide than was the general population 這些記錄雖然多為傳聞軼事,但卻強烈顯示知名作家、畫家和作曲家(以及他們的父母、兄弟姊妹和子女) ,要比一般大眾更常情緒失常或自殺。

Buried alive : in 19th - century europe there was so much anecdotal evidence that living people were mistakenly declared dead that cadavers were laid out in “ hospitals for the dead “ while attendants awaited signs of putrefaction 埋葬活人:在19世紀歐洲,如此之多的軼聞證據表明活人被錯誤地宣布死亡,以至于尸體被放在太平間里讓值班人員等候尸體腐爛的跡象出現。

From an anecdotal point of view , diversification of holdings by the chinese and other asian central banks into other currencies , including iran asking japan to pay for oil in yen rather than dollars , helps fuel these reports 從坊間傳聞的角度看,中國和其它亞洲央行對其外匯資產進行多元化,包括伊朗要求日本以日元而非美元支付石油款的做法,助長了這些報道。

Based on the common theoretical model of rational bubbles , this paper employs duration dependence to investigate the existence of rational bubbles in china stock market . then use the anecdotal evidence to validate its result 本文從理性泡沫的一般理論模型出發,主要采用久期依賴法對上證指數進行了理性泡沫的實證檢驗,并用觀察性證據進行了驗證。

The anecdotal evidence in our two patients suggests that reduction of atrial size and atrial stretch after crt and hence the atrial anatomical - electrical remodeling is the underlying mechanism for the improvement of rhythm control of af 心房顫動的控制得以進步的機轉可能是由于在放置心臟再同步化心律調節器后,心房之張力及大小減小所造成的結果。

He also points out no long - term studies have examined dress codes ' effect on crime , attendance or academic achievement . for now , he says , anecdotal evidence exists of the policy ' s positive effects 他同時指出,沒有長期的研究詳細檢驗過服裝規定對校園犯罪、出席率和學業成績的影響。目前為止,他說,現有的個別證據都證明了服裝規定的正面影響力。

And although preliminary experimental evidence suggests that their in - air vision is poor , the accuracy with which dolphins leap high to take small fish out of a trainer ' s hand provides anecdotal evidence to the contrary 盡管初步的試驗表明他們在空氣中的視力相當的弱,但鯨魚跳起來準確的吃到訓練者手中提供的小魚為反面提供了有意思的證據。

I - reputation uses 7 , 000 “ software robots ” that trawl postings across the web , scanning sites and turning anecdotal information into a quantifiable form that can be used by companies and regulators 互聯網聲譽利用7000個“軟件機器人” ,在整個網絡上瀏覽帖子、掃描網站,并將零星得到的信息轉化成企業和監管部門可以利用的、可以量化的形式。

The study , while small , adds to anecdotal evidence and meta - analyses that suggest wine , whose cardiovascular benefits have been widely touted , may hold specific benefits for diabetics 這項研究,雖然規模小,加上沒有相對照的證據,可經梅塔分析(指一種綜合再分析方法)顯示,心血管益處被廣為推崇的葡萄酒,能給糖尿病患者帶來特有的益處。

But neither volume of trade statistics nor anecdotal evidence of u . s . business successes in china are the yardsticks by which the administration measures china s compliance with its trade agreements 弗里曼同時表示: “不論是有關貿易額的數據,還是有關美國企業在華成功發展的見聞,均非本屆美國政府衡量中國執行貿易協議情況的尺度。 ”

Indeed , hong kongs exports have recorded significant growth in the first quarter of this year and export orders received in the same quarter , according to admittedly anecdotal reports from exporters , have been the highest seen for some years 事實上,香港今年首季出口已錄得顯著增長,據一些行家稱,同期出口訂單亦是近年來最多的。

Watch out . your medical care may soon go to the dogs . that ' s because a new scientific study confirms what some anecdotal reports have suggested : dogs can smell cancer 據路透社報道,在一項新研究中,科學家找到了令人吃驚的證據,證明人類的朋友狗可能具有診斷早期癌癥的能力。這一研究成果將發表在3月份出版的《癌癥綜合治療》雜志上。

With china consuming about 130 , 000 tonnes of pork a day , 30 , 000 tonnes will have little impact in any case . anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast 中國每天的豬肉消費量約為13萬噸,因此無論怎么看, 3萬噸儲備所能產生的影響將非常有限。來自農民的坊間證據也表明,重建豬肉庫存不會那么快。

In addition to anecdotal experience , a smattering of studies suggest that children praised for doing well at something were less interested in pursuing it , or did less well at subsequent tasks 除了奇聞軼事經歷以外,少數研究表明:當做好了某件事表揚孩子將導致孩子繼續做這件事的興趣將低或導致其后來的任務做得沒那么好。

Arguments in favour of conditional fees in the consultation paper take the line that as there is insufficient evidence or only anecdotal evidence of malpractice , introduction of conditional fees is justified 諮詢文件支持按條件收費的論點,取態是由于行為失當的證據不足或只屬傳聞證據,引入按條件收費實有理由支持。

There are plenty of anecdotal signs of change : britain ' s pro - business tories have turned green ; al gore is back in fashion in america ; hybrid cars no longer get stared at 與此同時,變化引來了層出不窮的有趣現象:在英國,信奉重商主義的保守黨已經轉而崇尚綠色環保;阿爾?戈爾在美國東山再起;混合動力車也日益走俏。

But because vasari relied on anecdotal evidence , there was always a doubt about the identification , and leonardo is not known to have made any notes about the model ' s identity himself 但由于瓦薩尼的結論缺乏確鑿的證據,這個說法一直受到懷疑。而達?芬奇本人也未對畫中女子的真實身份進行過任何確認。

But because vasari relied on anecdotal evidence , there was always doubts about the identification , and leonardo is not known to have made any notes about the model ' s identity himself 但由于瓦薩尼的結論缺乏確鑿的證據,這個說法一直受到懷疑。而達?芬奇本人也未對畫中女子的真實身份進行過任何確認。