
ane adj.,n.〔蘇格蘭語〕 = one.

In chapter 4 , a novel biotinyated mb ( 5 ' - mcct agc tct aaa tcg cta tgg tcg cgc ( biotindtag gmcyl - 3 “ ) was designed and synthesized based on the sequence of 6 - actin . aner investigaang the spectri of mb , the interation of am with its cdna in sofution was also studied . an opical dna biosensor based on strcytavidin - biotin interaction was proposed by bridge driobilization method , which obviously enhaned the freedom of th J (第六章,研究了基于溶膠凝膠固定化方法的dna生物傳感器,建立了溶膠凝膠法n固定分子信標的模型,提出了利用橋式結構固定分子信標的最佳方案,然后將分子信標g固定在光導纖維和亞微米光纖( rp

Many stated - owned enterprises established a formal “ modem enterprise system “ in the sense of legal arrangement , however , the operating system adapted to the market economy is still on the w ' ay so we need to strengthen the research on the corporate governance to formulate good corporate governance to promote the core competence of the enterprises aner china ' s entry “ into uto , we need to improve the corporate govemance to cope with the intense international competition 然而,現實中眾多國有企業雖然建立起了法律形式上規范的“現代企業制度” ,但是真正體現市場經濟內涵的運作機制并沒有形成。毫無疑問,這在客觀上就需要加強對公司治理的研究,建立良好的公司治理結構以提升公司核心競爭力。

Our company takes ” science ane technology innovation , man - oriented ” as the guiding ideology , continue to create the most have originality of new era model production 公司的理念是“科技創新,以人為本“ ,不斷創造出最具有新時代創意的模型產品。

“ i will take nothing except what the young men have eaten , and the share of the men who went with me , aner , eshcol , and mamre ; let them take their share . 創14 : 24只有仆人所吃的、并與我同行的亞乃、以實各、幔利、所應得的分、可以任憑他們拿去。


In t his p aper r otating s tall a nd t he inlet v ortex in c entrifugal fans with inlet v ane control has been studied in laboratory . the harmonic wavelet is firstly used for time - frequency analysis and feature extraction of pulsation amplitude and frequency and development of rotating stall and inlet vortex . the development rule of rotating stall and inlet vortex and the effect to fans performance from the two has been found 文中對采用入口導流器調節的離心通風機的旋轉失速和進口渦流問題進行了實驗研究,并借助諧波小波對旋轉失速和進口渦流的頻率、幅值特性及動態過程進行了時頻分析和特征提取,揭示了旋轉失速和進口渦流發展的規律及二者對風機性能的影響。

Located on the bank of the mother - river , qiantang river , at 6f zhonghua mansion 489 qiutao rd , hangzhou jinjiang electric appliance co . , ltd . former hangzhou jinjiang electrical appliance factory is specialized in manufacturing thermal protector and starter for compressors of air - conditioner and refrigerator . with an annual output capability of 1 , 000 , 000 sets , the products are mainly supplied for domestic compressor manufacturers and partly exported . it covers a building area of 1 , 600 square meters and employs over 100 people , among which 12 are technicians . all the staff are qualified by receiving professional training . the company consists of general affair office , quality control department , manufacture department , product department , procurement and promotion department ane after - sales department 杭州近江電器有限公司原名杭州近江電器廠是生產空調冰箱壓縮機熱保護啟動器的專業公司,年生產能力為100萬套,產品主要為國內壓縮機廠家配套,部分產品出口國外。公司位于母親河錢塘江之濱秋濤路489號,中華大廈六樓廠區面積為1600平方米現有員工100余人,所有人員都經過相應的專業培訓合格后上崗,其中技術人員為12名。公司下設綜合辦公室品質管理部技術開發部供應銷售部售后服務組。

In chapter 4 , a novel biotinyated mb ( 5 ' - mcct agc tct aaa tcg cta tgg tcg cgc ( biotindtag gmcyl - 3 “ ) was designed and synthesized based on the sequence of 6 - actin . aner investigaang the spectri of mb , the interation of am with its cdna in sofution was also studied . an opical dna biosensor based on strcytavidin - biotin interaction was proposed by bridge driobilization method , which obviously enhaned the freedom of th J (第六章,研究了基于溶膠凝膠固定化方法的dna生物傳感器,建立了溶膠凝膠法n固定分子信標的模型,提出了利用橋式結構固定分子信標的最佳方案,然后將分子信標g固定在光導纖維和亞微米光纖( rp

In this paper , employing brennan ' s aner - tax capm , the author conducts an empirical study on whether there is tax effect on dividend po1icy in china . the sampie contains 67l stocks that pay out dividends in june and july from 2000 to 2002 . in addition , the author studies the ex - dividend day stock price behavior using the same samp1e 本文采用brennan的稅后capm ,結合中國目前的現實狀況,以中國滬、深兩市共671只股票作為樣本,利用2000年、 2001年、 2002年6 、 7月份樣本股票派發現金股利及股價市場表現的有關數據,進行參數估計和假設檢驗;此外,本文還針對現金股利發放除權日期間的股票價格行為進行了分析。

Pressure grouting has made piles and soil combinaion closely at the same tiine , the piles liave hand load capacity more than ever currenly , the design and calculation of root piles have been short of a sult of fledged theory aner referencing the application of root piles in underpinning engineering and basing on the intrinsic cbaraer of root piles in thes paper the authr has ehabshed mle constitutive relative of root piles and soil in correctin slopes , researched the slope edility aller correcang slopes and safety factr of slopes 樹根樁可以看作是一種摩擦樁,它不僅可以承擔豎向荷載,而且還可以承擔水平荷載,用壓力注漿可以使樁與土體緊密結合,使樁具有較大的承載力。當前,對樹根樁的設計計算卻沒有一套成熟的理論,本文在參考了樹根樁應用于托換工程的設計計算方法后,根據樹根樁的實際特征,詳細推導了樹根樁加固邊坡后樹根樁與土均質化復合“土體”的本構關系,研究了樹根樁應用于邊坡加固后的穩定性情況。

Many stated - owned enterprises established a formal “ modem enterprise system “ in the sense of legal arrangement , however , the operating system adapted to the market economy is still on the w ' ay so we need to strengthen the research on the corporate governance to formulate good corporate governance to promote the core competence of the enterprises aner china ' s entry “ into uto , we need to improve the corporate govemance to cope with the intense international competition 然而,現實中眾多國有企業雖然建立起了法律形式上規范的“現代企業制度” ,但是真正體現市場經濟內涵的運作機制并沒有形成。毫無疑問,這在客觀上就需要加強對公司治理的研究,建立良好的公司治理結構以提升公司核心競爭力。

As the world economy goes to reginonalization , collectivization , the district economy is be coming more and more important in the world economy . the members of all the district economy organization make the inner - reginal trade , the movement of elements , the speed of economy increasing constantly because of the advantages of arens , resources and mutual supplements of economy structures , meantime , the members , who is not in the exclusivism andtrade protectionism , so china must make strong economic relationship between the countries ane areas nearby in order to develop the economy stably and taking eonomic cooperation and join the system of inter - reginal economy cooperation 隨著世界經濟呈現出區域化、集團化的趨勢,區域經濟圈在世界經濟中所占的地位也在逐步提高,各區域經濟組織成員由于地緣、資源優勢、經濟結構互補等原因,使得區域內部的貿易、要素流動、經濟增長速度不斷增加,同時,對于區域經濟組織外的非成員則不可避免地造成排外主義及貿易保護主義。所以,對中國而言,為促進經濟的持續穩定增長,就必須加強與周邊國家及地區之間的經濟往來,同時要進行全方位、多層次的區域性經濟合作,進而參與到國際區域經濟合作的體系中。

By applying for the bank ' s investment trust services as set out in the terms and conditions , the client agrees that the bank may from time to time release or provide any or all information held by the bank in respect of the client and the client ' s relating to the investment trust serices and such retained persons , their employees or staff shall , save to the extent that it is required to disclose the same in order to comply with any laws or regulations or the requirements of any statuory and regulatory authorities to carry out the duties ane comply with the obligations referred to in the terms and conditions , keep such information confidential and only use it for the purpose of carrying out the duties and complying with obligations herein 5客戶申請銀行提供約定書所訂的投資服務,即表示同意銀行可視需要向銀行委任處理信?投資事務之人透露或提供銀行所保存有關客戶及客戶的結算帳戶之任何資料,而受任人、其職及雇員應將有關資料保密,僅于履行職責及遵守約定書所述之責任時方得使用該等資料;惟倘根據任何法律或主管機關之要求或為履行職責及遵守約定書所述之責任而須揭露該等資料者,不在此限。

The applying range of dsp is enlarged due to the speedy advance of the capability and the price falling of dsp . dsp shows strong funtion , fast speed , the convenience of programme ane exploitation owing to its powerful repertoire and interface funtions Dsp芯片以其強大的指令系統及接口功能顯示出功能強、速度快、編程和開發方便等特點,開始應用在通用數字信號處理、圖像處理、自動控制和儀表儀器及軍事與尖端科技等方面。

And one who had got away from the fight came and gave word of it to abram the hebrew , who was living by the holy tree of mamre , the amorite , the brother of eshcol and aner , who were friends of abram 13有一個逃出來的人、告訴希伯來人亞伯蘭亞伯蘭正住在亞摩利人幔利的橡樹那里幔利和以實各、并亞乃都是弟兄、曾與亞伯蘭聯盟。

And there came one that had escaped , and told abram the hebrew ; for he dwelt in the plain of mamre the amorite , brother of eschol , and brother of aner : and these were confederate with abram 創14 : 13有一個逃出來的人、告訴希伯來人亞伯蘭亞伯蘭正住在亞摩利人幔利的橡樹那里幔利和以實各、并亞乃都是弟兄、曾與亞伯蘭聯盟。

A . we may improve our aural ability by speaking english in the native ane idiomatic way . the pronunciation , intonation and sentence structure should not be in chinese style 可以通過講地道的口語來提高聽力。發音,語調和句子結構請不要中國化。既然能說出來,當然能聽懂。當然這樣有點難。

I think whether ane will be successful depends more on his dilligence than on his cleverness . so long as you persevere in your hard , you are sure to make great progress 我認為一個人的成功與否主要取決于他的勤奮而不是他的聰明.只要你堅持不懈地努力.肯定會取得很大的進步

Our company takes ” science ane technology innovation , man - oriented ” as the guiding ideology , continue to create the most have originality of new era model production 公司的理念是“科技創新,以人為本“ ,不斷創造出最具有新時代創意的模型產品。

“ i will take nothing except what the young men have eaten , and the share of the men who went with me , aner , eshcol , and mamre ; let them take their share . 創14 : 24只有仆人所吃的、并與我同行的亞乃、以實各、幔利、所應得的分、可以任憑他們拿去。