
androgyny n.【植物;植物學】雌雄同體。

At last , this paper uses “ the questionnaire of the gender - role stereotype “ to explore the difference about the gender - role stereotype between the city “ androgyny “ students and the village “ androgyny students 目前國內外相關的研究中都沒有涉及同種性度類型的差異比較。在這里進行比較時,所使用的工具就是前面自編的性別角色刻板印象問卷。

This paper investigated 1952 students , and the results indicated : ( 1 ) the difference about the ratio of the “ androgyny “ students between cities and villages is very significant 通過對1952名中學生進行問卷調查,結果表明: ( 1 )城市和農村的雙性化特質中學生在各自中學生總體中占的比率存在非常顯著的差異。

All of these have proved that the “ androgyny “ students were influenced by the status of social development , although these students must be the same nation and in the same times 其中在女性性別角色刻板印象上存在的差異較多。由此說明在同一種文化背景下不同的社會發展狀況影響到中學生雙性化性度取向。

( 2 ) the difference about the gender - role stereotype between the city “ androgyny “ students and the village “ androgyny “ students is also significant ( 2 )不同地區(城鄉)的雙性化特質中學生相互之間在性別角色刻板印象上也存在顯著差異。

Now research on “ androgyny “ is very limited . many researchers use the existing questionnaire to determine the person ' s gender - role 目前關于此方面的研究相當有限,主要是用現有的量表來測定個體的性度類型。


Based on the theory of woolf ' s androgyny and lessing ' s masterpiece the golden notebook , this paper , by analyzing anna ' s life experience and her confused inner world , mainly discusses lessing ' s thoughts of feminism : women can gain real happiness and freedom only when women and men eliminate mutual hostility , support and struggle together 摘要本文以沃爾夫的“雙性同體”理論為切入點,通過對萊辛《金色筆記》中女主人公安娜坎坷的生活經歷和困惑的內心世界的分析,審視了萊辛的女性主義思想。

The result of personality research consist with hypothesis and show that angrogyny individual have the social potency possessed by masculinity and interpersonal relatedness possessed by feminility simultaneously . the resulte also show there are no independence but creativity in the structure of chinese androgyny personality 人格的研究結果與假設基本一致,中國大學生雙性化者兼具男性化的領導性和女性化的人際取向能力,本研究未發現中國雙性化者人格結構中的獨立性而卻發現其創造性突出;心理健康的研究結果與假設不同。

At last , this paper uses “ the questionnaire of the gender - role stereotype “ to explore the difference about the gender - role stereotype between the city “ androgyny “ students and the village “ androgyny students 目前國內外相關的研究中都沒有涉及同種性度類型的差異比較。在這里進行比較時,所使用的工具就是前面自編的性別角色刻板印象問卷。

Being in the beginning , psychologycal androgyny surveys in china is fewer and which methods and conclusions are consistent with each other , but there are many questions to be research 結果顯示雙性化個體具有與情景有關的行為靈活性,心理健康水平較高,但仍有一些爭議存在。國內研究較少,研究方法、結論基本一致,尚有許多問題有待研究。

This paper investigated 1952 students , and the results indicated : ( 1 ) the difference about the ratio of the “ androgyny “ students between cities and villages is very significant 通過對1952名中學生進行問卷調查,結果表明: ( 1 )城市和農村的雙性化特質中學生在各自中學生總體中占的比率存在非常顯著的差異。

All of these have proved that the “ androgyny “ students were influenced by the status of social development , although these students must be the same nation and in the same times 其中在女性性別角色刻板印象上存在的差異較多。由此說明在同一種文化背景下不同的社會發展狀況影響到中學生雙性化性度取向。

The result of mental health of androgyny is different from hypothesis , which show androgyny is healthy as masculinity , while , compared with feminility and undifferentiation , androgyny is ideal ; we also 雙性化的心理健康水平比女性化、中性化較理想,而與男性化無顯著差異。

( 2 ) the difference about the gender - role stereotype between the city “ androgyny “ students and the village “ androgyny “ students is also significant ( 2 )不同地區(城鄉)的雙性化特質中學生相互之間在性別角色刻板印象上也存在顯著差異。

Now research on “ androgyny “ is very limited . many researchers use the existing questionnaire to determine the person ' s gender - role 目前關于此方面的研究相當有限,主要是用現有的量表來測定個體的性度類型。

The study care about two questions mainly ? ? the trait of chinese androgyny personality and the mental health of androgyny 本研究主要探討兩個問題:中國雙性化大學生的人格特征和心理健康問題。

Most researchers agreeded that the androgyny individual was responsable flexibly in different circumstances and had mental health highly 研究圍繞bem和spence等的兩個理論展開。

Androgyny is a combination of male and female characters , which was proposed in 1970 ' s by bem 摘要雙性化人格是在20世紀70年代以后提出的概念,是大學生理想的性別角色模式。

The image of lady macbeth in shakespeare ' s tragedies embodies the thought of androgyny 摘要本文從“雙性同體”的角度對莎士比亞悲劇中麥克白夫人的形象進行了簡要分析。

What li did possess was attitude originality and a proud androgyny that defied chinese norms 李宇春所擁有的,是態度創意和顛覆了中國傳統審美的中性風格。