
androgynous adj.1.兼兩性的,雌雄同體的。2.【植物;植物學】雌...

He is beautiful in what he calls an “ androgynous “ way ; dark - lipped and hazel - eyed , with long lashes that curl perfectly up 他有一種他自己稱為“中性“的美,深色的嘴唇,淺褐色的眼睛,長長的發絲完美地蜷曲著。


A : i think that this trend toward a more androgynous style for women doesn ' t just reflect the change of beauty standards and changing fashion trends , it ' s also an expression of individuality 我覺得女性中性化的趨勢不僅反映了人們的審美標準和時尚潮流的變化,更是女性張揚個性的表現。

I think that this trend toward a more androgynous style for women doesn ' t just reflect the change of beauty standards and changing fashion trends , it ' s also an expression of individuality 我覺得女性中性化的趨勢不僅反映了人們的審美標準和時尚潮流的變化,更是女性張揚個性的表現。

This more androgynous form of beauty is really in style these days ; fashion designers have started coming out with more androgynous clothes and accessories , and it ' s becoming a hot trend 這種更中性化的風格現在大行其道,很多設計師都開始設計中性的服裝和飾品,現在非常流行。

Her androgynous good looks put her on people ' s 50 most beautiful people list and her sense of style keeps her best - dressed in all publications 她的中性美使她進入了《人物》雜志“ 50位全球最有魅力的人士”之列,而她的風格則使她在各種各樣的出版物中保持“最佳衣著”的位置。

Some people think girls with a more androgynous style are just sloppy or lazy , but many of them care just as much about their appearance as other girls 一些人覺得中性風格的女生都很邋遢或什么都不講究,但是很多中性美女和其他女孩一樣很在意自己的外表。

He is beautiful in what he calls an “ androgynous “ way ; dark - lipped and hazel - eyed , with long lashes that curl perfectly up 他有一種他自己稱為“中性“的美,深色的嘴唇,淺褐色的眼睛,長長的發絲完美地蜷曲著。

The period is virtually stamped in his wild boy , androgynous , tatar image 這段時期有著狂放韃靼男孩很明顯的印記。

I discovered that i liked my androgynous body 居然我發覺自己喜歡這副雌雄同體的肉身。

I discovered that i liked my androgynous body 我開始喜歡上我的這個四不象的身體了。

Twentieth-century western woman is truly an androgynous creature . 二十世紀的西方婦女確實是雌雄同體的生靈。