
androgen n.雄性激素。

However , over time cancer cells can become “ androgen independent , “ and grow even in the presence of these medications 但是,經過一段時間癌細胞可以變為雄激素非依賴性,即使在維持這種治療情況下腫瘤仍然繼續生長。


Although scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause of acne , androgen hormones - which rise during puberty in boys and girls and continue to fluctuate during a woman ' s menstrual cycle - cause the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum 雖然科學家們已經指出了粉刺罪魁禍首? ?男性霍爾蒙激素,其在男孩和女孩的青春期開始增加,在女性月經周期時產生波動,這就致使皮脂腺產生更多的皮脂。

But in differentiation of testi s , estrogens are hardly synthesized from androgens , the increase of mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is mainly used in the growth of gonad , so their quantities are less than that in ovary 在精巢的分化中基本上不把雄性激素合成為雌激素,線粒體和光面內質網的增多主要是用于性腺的發育生長,所以數目不及卵巢中的多。

Abstract : estrogen receptor ( er ) and androgen receptor ( ar ) assays were performed with fluorescent histochemical method in 89 cases of bladder carcinoma . 77 cases were followed up for at leazt six years . the tumor recurrence occurred in 32 ( 41 . 56 % ) 文摘:采用熒光組織化學法測定了89例膀胱移行細胞癌雌雄激素受體的表達,獲長期隨訪的77例中有32例復發,復發率為41 . 56 % 。

The present study determined if the potent and nonaromatizable androgen , dihydrotestosterone ( dht ) , exacerbates ischemic damage in the male rat and alters postischemic gene expression after middle cerebral artery occlusion 新近研究對有效的未芳香化的雄激素,雙氫睪酮,是否會加劇雄性大鼠的缺血損傷并改變大腦中動脈閉塞后的缺血后基因表達進行了研究。

Our data suggest that androgens are important mediators of ischemic damage in male brain and that transcriptional mechanisms should be considered as we seek to understand innate male sensitivity to cerebral ischemia 我們的資料表明,雄激素在雄性動物腦中是缺血性損傷的重要介質,其轉錄機制有可能被認為是我們試圖理解的雄性動物對腦缺血的先天敏感性。

Cancer researchers have long worked to understand why some prostate cancers recur after the use of therapies designed to stop the production of testosterone and other androgens that fuel cancer cell growth 癌癥研究者長期以來致力于研究為什么有些前列腺癌在采取了阻斷具有促進癌細胞生長作用的睪酮以及其他雄激素的產生后仍然會有腫瘤復發。

Finasteride , an inhibitor of 5alpha - reductase , inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone , the primary androgen in the prostate , and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer 作為一種5 -還原酶的抑制劑,非那斯提可以阻止睪酮轉化為雙氫睪酮(前列腺內最主要的雄激素) ,所以可能會降低前列腺癌的發病率。

These data should be confirmed in a larger cohort of patients to further clarify its etiology and potentially identify measures of preention for patients embarking on androgen depriation therapy 這些數據有待更大規模的病例確證,從而進一步明確其病因并對接受雄激素阻斷療法的患者采取可能的預防措施。

This study with a small sample size is the first to suggest that men with prostate cancer receiing androgen depriation therapy exhibit a three - fold higher risk of periodontal disease compared with controls 這項小規模研究首次表明前列腺癌患者接受雄激素阻斷療法后患牙周疾病的危險性比對照組高3倍。

Importantly , physiological menopause does not necessarily lead to androgen deficiency , as androgen synthesis in the ovaries may persist despite the decline in estrogen production 重要的是,生理性的更年期不一定會導致雄激素缺乏,因為盡管雌激素的合成有所下降,卵巢內的雄激素合成仍然在持續著。

The author consider that the grana are steroid hormone according to the studies of domestic and overseas scholars , the big grana should be androgens , the small grana should be estrogens 作者結合國內外學者的研究分析,這種顆粒物質是類固醇激素,大顆粒應該是雄性激素,小顆粒應該是雌性激素。

Acne is a condition of the sebaceous glands and it usually starts in the teen years when the hormone androgen stimulates the sebaceous glands of the skin to enlarge , produce oil and plug the pores 痤瘡是一種皮脂腺狀態,常起病于少年期,由于雄性激素的刺激,皮脂腺增大,產生油脂并堵塞毛孔。

Other classes of drugs being tested attempt to more completely block interactions with the receptor for androgens within the tumor cells , or alter the degradation of androgens 正在研究的其他種類藥物,希望能夠更完全地阻斷激素與腫瘤細胞內雄激素受體之間的相互作用,或者改變雄激素的降解。

New research has now detected that androgen - synthesizing proteins are present within cancer cells , which suggests that cancer cells may develop the capacity to produce their own androgens 新近研究發現癌細胞內存在雄激素合成蛋白,這表明,癌細胞具備產生自身所需雄激素的能力。

Androgen - deprivation therapy is routinely used in the treatment of advanced ( metastatic ) prostate cancer , in order to deprive cancer cells of these hormones that fuel their growth 雄激素阻斷療法常規用于治療晚期(轉移性)前列腺癌,目的是去除供應癌細胞生長的激素。

Both boy and girl teens get acne but it is often worse in boys because they produce 10 times as much androgen as girls and they tend to have more skin oils 男孩和女孩都會得痤瘡,但通常男孩的情況更糟糕些,因為他們體內的雄性荷爾蒙是女孩的10倍,使得皮膚更加油膩。

Currently , androgen replacement should be reserved for women with severe androgen deficiency due to an established cause and matching clinical signs and symptoms 當前,對有確定原因的嚴重雄激素缺乏、符合臨床癥狀體征的婦女使用雄激素替代依然需要持保留態度。

The new study tied the same genetic polymorphism to lower levels of an androgen known as dhea - s , and to lower progesterone levels 新的研究約束相同的遺傳多態現象來降低雄激素的水平(已知的硫酸脫氫表雄酮( dhea - s ) )和降低孕酮的水平。