
andrew n.安德魯〔男子名〕。

“mr. davis and i are always scared,“ andrew said. “it's possibly our superior intelligence. “ “我和戴維斯先生一樣,老擔驚受怕,”安德魯說。“這也許是我們智力超常的緣故。”

“i hope so,“ andrew sighed happily, and a few minutes later fell asleep . “但愿如此。”安德魯舒坦地吐了一口氣,幾分鐘之后,他睡著了。

“i never had that trouble,“ andrew said smartly . “我從來沒這毛病”,安德魯神氣活現地說。

Andrew acknowledged with a smile, “probably not“ . 安德魯笑著表示同意:“大概不會”。

“did mr. poud ever bit anybody?“ andrew asked . “龐德先生咬過人嗎?”安德魯問。


Behind the plate glass, in the spot where andrew had observed them, lisa and bruce, laughing and excited, waved back . 莉薩和布魯斯在安德魯找到他們的地方,隔著玻璃窗,笑著興奮的揮手作答。

In the end, which was later the same day, andrew decided he could only do what everyone else was doing-nothing . 最后,當天晚些時候,安德魯得出結論,他只能像其他人那樣-袖手旁觀。

“mr. davis and i are always scared,“ andrew said. “it's possibly our superior intelligence. “ “我和戴維斯先生一樣,老擔驚受怕,”安德魯說。“這也許是我們智力超常的緣故。”

An hour before supper andrew had finished enough of the battle plan to present it to the general . 到晚飯前一小時,作戰方案已經大致準備就緒,安德魯向將軍交差了。

Over the years, andrew had tried to understand his mother and rationalize her behaviour . 多年來,安德魯一直希望能理解自己的母親,為她的所做所為找到合理的解釋。

Andrew jabbed a finger, pointing to a collection of pharmaceutical bottles and packages on a side table . 安德魯猛地伸出手指,指著墻邊小桌上的一大堆藥瓶和盒子。

Andrew crossed to a bookshelf and pulled down several volumes, their pages flagged with slips of paper . 安德魯走到書架前,抽出好幾本書,上面都夾著小紙條。

Andrew and celia were on deck, standing with other passengers, below the bridge and forward . 安德魯和西莉亞與其他旅客一道,站在駕駛臺下面的前甲板上。

Andrew was silent, absorbing what he had just learned and mulling other thoughts . 安德魯沒作聲,默默地回味著剛才聽到的這些話,同時轉著其它念頭。

Andrew and celia hoped that winnie's departure for australia would be long delayed . 安德魯和西莉亞都希望溫妮啟程到澳大利亞去的時間能盡可能推遲。

Celia laughed and andrew poked at a log fire he lighted earlier, restoring it to flame . 西莉亞笑了起來,安德魯把壁爐里剛生起的炭火捅旺些。

Andrew took a turn around the room, considering, then stopped beside the christmas tree . 安德魯在屋里踱了幾步,考慮著,然后站在圣誕樹旁。

As andrew came in, her husband stood up, smiling broadly, his hands outstretched . 安德魯進去時,她的丈夫站起身來,伸開雙臂,歡快地笑著。

“i hope so,“ andrew sighed happily, and a few minutes later fell asleep . “但愿如此。”安德魯舒坦地吐了一口氣,幾分鐘之后,他睡著了。