
andiron n.(壁爐的)柴架。

Tom got out his chiefest jewel , a brass knob from the top of an andiron , and passed it around her so that she could see it , and said : “ please , becky , won t you take it ? 湯姆把他最珍貴的寶貝,一個壁爐柴架頂上的銅把手,拿出來從她背后繞過去給她看,說: “求求你了,貝基,拿著這個好不好? ”


This final determination she came to when she looked into the fire , he holding her hand . a steady glare from the now flameless embers painted the sides and back of the fireplace with its colour , and the well - polished andirons , and the old brass tongs that would not meet 現在壁爐的殘火已經沒有火焰了,只留下穩定的亮光,把壁爐的四周和后壁,還有發亮的爐架和不能合到一起的舊火鉗,都給染上了通紅的顏色。

Tom got out his chiefest jewel , a brass knob from the top of an andiron , and passed it around her so that she could see it , and said : “ please , becky , won t you take it ? 湯姆把他最珍貴的寶貝,一個壁爐柴架頂上的銅把手,拿出來從她背后繞過去給她看,說: “求求你了,貝基,拿著這個好不好? ”

He ' s right i pushed the andiron , and the wall opened up 說得不錯,推了一下壁爐,然后墻打開了

How ? push the andiron it opens the panel in the study 怎么做?推一下壁爐把手,打開書房的墻