
andesite n.【礦物】安山巖。


The petrophysical properties of volcanic rock reservoirs in junggar basin are generally characterized by the following : the acidic lava and auto brecciated lava are the best , especially the petrophysical properties of auto brecciated lava and andesites after the tectonic movement and denudation process in the later stages are superior to those of basalts 準噶爾盆地火山巖儲層物性一般特點是:酸性熔巖、火山角礫巖最好,特別是經后期構造運動和溶蝕作用改造后的火山角礫巖;安山巖的物性總體優于玄武巖。

2 both the hanging wall and the footwail rock of ore bodies are garnet biotite schist , protoliths are alkaline volcanic rocks ( tracyh andesite ) . according to characteristics of trace elements assemblages and the setting of tectonics , these alkaline volcanic rocks were derived from the lower degree melting of metasomatic and enriched mantle ( eml ) in the initial stage of middle proterozoic epoch . they strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements ( lile ) , such as ba 2 、礦體頂、底板圍巖(石榴石黑云母片巖、鈉長黑云母片巖等)的原巖為堿性火山巖(粗面安山巖) ,相對富集大離子親石元素ba 、 cs 、 rb 、 k 、 lree及貧zr 、 sr 、 ti 、 hf 、 hree ,為早元古代末期-中元古代早期交代富集地幔低程度部分熔融所形成的堿性火山巖。

On the west limb , there are andesite clasts at the lower section and limestone clasts at the upper section , which indicates normal stratigraphic sequence in its provenance . on the east limb , there are dolomite clasts at the lower section and limestone clasts at the upper section , which indicates reversed stratigraphic sequence in its provenance 西翼礫巖在剖面上具明顯的倒序巖屑地層特征,反映了物源區正常的層序地層,而東翼礫巖在剖面上仍然是正序的巖屑地層,反映了物源區非正常的層序地層。

The wall rock of ore - bodies is the siliceous dolostone and alkaline volcanic rock ( trachy andesite ) in the yinachang deposit . based on the shape of ore - bodies and the structure and texture of ores , the deposit was identificed as synsedimentary with wall rocks . there occurred ree minerals , such as bastnaesite , monazite and allanite , associated with apatite and fluorite with ree contents to a certain extent 礦體產出形態和礦石的結構構造等均顯示礦體與賦礦地層同沉積特征;出現獨立礦物氟碳鈰礦、獨居石及褐簾石,磷灰石、螢石、菱鐵礦等礦物中也含有一定量的稀土,沿礦體走向和垂向稀土元素變化不大。

The analysis of the geochemical and petrologic characteristics features shows that the assemblage of volcanic rocks is the series of middle ocean ridge basalt , ocean island basalt and ocean island andesite basalt , which implies that it is the relic of the ocean crust , i . e . typical ophiolites 通過巖石特征和地球化學分析,確定了鹽邊群荒田組火山巖組合為洋脊玄武巖、洋島玄武巖、洋島安山玄武巖系列,說明這是洋殼殘片,即典型的蛇綠巖套。

Whereas the rocks in the ancient heavily cratered terrains were basaltic , the younger rocks of the northern lowlands resembled a more highly evolved type of lava called andesite : they contained more glass , more silica - rich minerals and fewer iron - bearing minerals 古老、充滿坑洞的地區,巖石屬于玄武巖,但北方低地較年輕的巖石卻類似一種更高度演化、稱為安山巖的熔巖:它們含有較多玻璃質、較多富矽礦物、以及較少含鐵礦物。

The upper cretaceous jingzhushan formation in the biru basin , xizang consists of a succession of coarse - grained elastic rocks in the alluvial fan - fan delta depositional system , intercalated with intermediate - acidic volcanic rocks including dacite , andesite , quartz trachyandesite and rhyolite 摘要上白堊統競柱山組為一套沖積扇扇三角洲沉積體系的粗碎屑巖,間夾由英安巖、安山巖、石英粗安巖和流紋巖組成的中酸性火山巖。

From the spatiotemporal distribution of the volcanics of kalagang frn . and tiaohu fm . , we can see that there are not only eruptive facies such as rhyolite but also effusion facies such as andesite , basalt and shallow intrusive rock inside the basin 從三塘湖盆地下二疊統卡拉崗組及中二疊統條湖組火山巖的時空分布特征可以看出,研究區既發育噴發相的流紋巖,又發育溢流相的玄武巖、安山巖及淺成侵入巖。

The wall rock of the mine is the third member of aqishan formation , which it is formed by the neutral - acidic volcanic rock and volcanic arenite of calcium - alkala series . the rock is mainly of andesite , quartz andesite , volcanic breccia agglomerate and volcanic breccia 礦床賦礦圍巖為阿奇山組第三巖性段鈣堿系列的中酸性火山巖-火山碎屑巖,主要巖性為安山巖、英安巖、火山角礫熔巖、火山角礫巖等。

The andesite clasts were most likely derived from erosion of igneous rock in middle jurassic time , and the limestone clasts were derived from cambrian and ordovician strata . dolomite clasts were derived from the middle proterozoic jixian group 安山巖礫石是中侏羅統髫髻山組火山巖剝蝕的產物,灰巖礫石來自于寒武、奧陶系灰巖,白云巖礫石主要來自于薊縣系白云巖。

Long term immersing marshall test and frozen - thaw cycle test were used to investigate the anti - stripping performance of andesite asphalt mixture using cement and anti - stripping agent 摘要采取長時間浸水馬歇爾試驗和多循環凍融劈裂試驗方法,對摻加了水泥、抗剝落劑的安山巖集料瀝青混凝土水穩定性能進行研究。

By studying , the main conclusions have been achieved as follows : i . the volcanic rocks , as the result of the partial melting of enriched mantle , comprise calc - alkaline andesite and dacite and a few tholeiite 通過研究,得出以下主要認識: 1 、火山巖為一套以鈣堿性安山巖為主,含少量拉斑玄武巖和英安巖。

To be sure , some scientists propose that the supposed andesites are basalts masquerading as such ; a fog of water or acid could react with the minerals to create an andesitelike veneer 更有甚者,某些科學家認為這些所謂的安山巖,其實是玄武巖偽裝的;水或酸的薄霧會與礦物作用,產生安山巖似的外層。

The formation of a tight syncline in the tuchengzi formation is depicted accurately . 3 . there are three main clast types in the conglomerate : andesite , limestone , and dolomite 4 、確定了土城子組礫巖中的三種主要礫石成分(安山巖、灰巖和白云巖礫石)的來源。

( 3 ) 6 the 3rd - order sequence have been identified in early cretaceous , the position of sequence is erected on 2 sets andesite ( 3 )將下白堊統劃分為6個三級層序,指出本區兩層安山巖的層序位置。

On earth , andesites typically form when descending tectonic plates mix water into subterranean molten rock 在地球上,安山巖通常是板塊的下沉使水混入地下熔融的巖石而形成。

Design and stability analysis of reinforcement for cut slopes of an unstable rotten andesite on luo - san expressway 洛三高速公路失穩風化安山巖路塹邊坡加固方案及穩定性分析

The rock assemblages of the bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt - thick andesite - alkaline rhyolite 火山巖巖石組合以堿性玄武巖粗安巖堿性流紋巖為主。

The report on variolitic basaltic andesite in the dabieshan collisional orogenic belt 大別山造山帶中球顆結構玄武質安山巖的報道