
andes n.pl. 〔the Andes 〕 安第斯山脈〔南美〕...

Disney and paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best - selling book “ alive “ , about a rugby team ' s battle to survive a plane crash in the andes mountains 迪斯尼與派拉蒙將合作拍攝以暢銷書《死里逃生》為藍本的電影,描寫一支足球隊所乘飛機在安底斯山中墜毀為求生而奮斗。


Global warming will become a top cause of extinction from the tropical andes to south africa with thousands of species of plants and animals likely to be wiped out in coming decades , a study said 研究顯示,全球暖化將成為熱帶安地斯山脈至南非等地生物滅種的主要原因,數千種動植物可能在未來數十年內被摧毀殆盡。

A call from chile to spain had to be radioed over the andes and the caribbean to new york , across the atlantic by cable , and over telephone wires through europe to madrid 如果要從智利與西班牙通話,就得先用無線電越過安第斯山脈和加勒比海,到紐約中轉,由電纜通過大西洋,然后再通過電話線經歐洲大陸通馬德里。

Lonely planet advises tourists to steer clear of choc on the pacific coast , putumayo in the far south and “ anywhere east of the andes ” , where there are still guerrillas “孤獨行星”公司建議游客避開太平洋沿岸的喬格、最南端的普土馬由河地區以及“安第斯山脈東部各地區” ,因為這些地方仍有游擊隊出沒。

A call from chile to spain had to be radioed over the andes and the caribbean to new york , across th atlantic by cable , and over telephone wires through europe to madrid 一個從智利到西班牙的呼叫,得用覆蓋安第斯山脈和加勒比海的無線電傳送到紐約,通過穿越大西洋的電纜,再通過電話線從歐洲傳送馬德里。

She has explored rivers in amazonia , the andes , the himalayas and the sultanate of oman to identify the influence of these sedimentary environments on local vegetation 她探勘過河流的地區,包括亞馬遜河流域、安地斯山、喜馬拉雅山、西亞的阿曼王國等地,為的是要了解當地沉積物生成環境對植物群的影響。

In the andes , time is often measured by how long it takes to chew a quid of coca leaf . sometimes , and not just in andes , a destination is said to be so many cigarettes away 在安第斯山脈,人們常常用嚼一塊古柯葉所用的時間作為計算時間的單位。有時,不僅在安第斯山,人們會說某地在幾枝煙之外。

Disney and paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best - selling book “ alive “ , about a rugby team ' s battle to survive a plane crash in the andes mountains 迪斯尼與派拉蒙將合作拍攝以暢銷書《死里逃生》為藍本的電影,描寫一支足球隊所乘飛機在安底斯山中墜毀為求生而奮斗。

There were four passengers in the small aircraft as it sputtered over the andes ; a businessman , an inventor , a priest and a laid - back budget traveller 一架正飛越安底斯山脈的小飛機上坐著四名乘客:一名商人、一名發明家、一位神父和一個靠預算過日子,看起來懶懶散散的旅行者。

Chile is a country of startling contrasts and extreme beauty , with attractions ranging from the towering volcanic peaks of the andes to the ancient forests of the lake district 智利相異巨大,美麗無比,從安第斯山脈高聳入云的火山頂峰到湖區的古老森林,處處引人入勝。

The archaeological site of chavin gave its name to the culture that developed between 1500 and 300 b . c . in this high valley of the peruvian andes 夏文考古遺址的歷史可以追溯到公元前1 , 500年到公元前300年,它是在秘魯安第斯山的高山峽谷中發展起來的一種文化。

In the high andes of ecuador the intense power of the equatorial sun beats down through thin air onto a grassland world fringed by glaciers and cloud forest 在厄瓜多爾的安第斯高地,強烈的陽光透過稀薄的空氣炙烤著草原,周圍點綴著冰河和云霧繚繞的森林。

And a trip to the mountain hamlets of nepal or the andes is not considered an exotic vacation but a therapeutic retreat for spiritual growth 造訪尼泊爾或安地斯山上的小村落,不稱為具有異國情調的渡假,而是具有療效、有助心靈成長的避靜修行。

Santiago , chile ( ap ) - - a five - acre glacial lake in chile ' s southern andes has disappeared - - and scientists want to know why 圣地亞哥智利(美聯社) - -智利安第斯山脈南部的一個5英畝的冰川湖泊消失了,目前科學家正在研究原因。

Nowhere is this more true than in the manu national park , the great nature reserve of the amazon jungle on the western slopes of the andes 秘魯一直被稱為巨大的露天博物館,沒有比曼努國家公園更配稱的上此封號的地方。

A venezuelan passenger plane slammed into a steep mountainside in the andes , killing all 46 people on board , officials said 官方表示,一架委內瑞拉載客飛機撞上安第斯山脈一座陡峭的山腰,機上46人全部死亡。

Venezuelan passenger plane slammed into a steep mountainside in the andes , killing all 46 people on board , officials said 官方表示,一架委內瑞拉載客飛機撞上安第斯山脈一座陡峭的山腰,機上46人全部死亡。

William claims he ' s been climbing in the andes . what a load of rubbish ! he ' s never been farther than calais 威廉說他去過安第斯山,這簡直是胡說八道!他根本沒有去過比加來更遠的地方。

Man also mines for gold , silver , and copper which then erodes the soil and hurts the plants of the andes 人類開采金礦,銀礦以及銅礦,這樣不但腐蝕了土壤并傷害了安地斯山脈的植被。