
anderson n.1.安德森〔姓氏〕。2.H.C. Anderson ...


Buy pamela anderson s merchandises at amazon . com 返回到歐美偶像

Confused , mr . anderson ? it ' ll all become clear in a moment 你不明白嗎?安德森先生?待會你就懂

Pamela anderson , who recently turned 40 , was placed 14th 剛滿40歲的帕梅拉?安德森名列第14位。

Browse pamela anderson wallpapers gallery 瀏覽帕米拉安德森壁紙庫

Through the window , she saw anderson saunter over 透過車窗玻璃,她看到安德森慢悠悠地踱過來。

Mr . anderson was writing a book about danmark history 安得森先生正在寫一本關于丹麥歷史的書。

Hi . hi , i ' m looking for jake . jake anderson . is he here 嗨,我在找杰克杰克?安德森,他在嗎?

Pamela anderson , who recently turned 40 , was placed 14th 剛滿40歲的帕梅拉安德森名列第14位。

I ' d like you to meet mr . anderson , ceo of the company 我想讓你結識公司首席執行官安德森先生。

Mm52 . com : pamela anderson pictures , biography 帕米拉安德森圖片和介紹mm52 . com : pamela anderson

On intertextuality of anderson ' s two short stories 評勞瑞183 ;安德森的兩個短篇小說的互文性

The first paper i ever wrote was on sherwood anderson 我的頭一篇論文寫的是舍伍德-安德森。

Why , it was anderson , and hands , and you , george merry 嗯,是安德森漢茲還有你喬治墨利!

The nobel prize in physics 1977 : philip warren anderson 諾貝爾物理學獎-菲利普養兔場安德森

Illusions , mr . anderson . vagaries of perception 這一切都是虛妄的幻覺

He denied that he had leaked these reports to anderson 他否認曾把這些報告泄漏給安?德森。

I ' m so sorry . jake anderson . - how you doing 抱歉,杰克?安德森-你好

You must be able to see it , mr . anderson 你一定預感到了,安德森先生。

- i ' m so sorry . jake anderson . - how you doing -抱歉,杰克?安德森-你好