
andean adj.(南美)安第斯山脈的。n.安第斯山人。

Machu picchu , the “ lost city of the incas “ , as it was dubbed by the man who rediscovered it in the last century , is among the greatest tourist attractions in south america today and ranks among the most outstanding symbols in the andean cultures 馬丘比丘在上個世紀被再度發掘出來,發掘者稱之為“印加失落之城” ,它是當今南美頂級旅游勝地之一,是安第斯多種文明中最為耀眼的象征之一。

Alternative medicine is popular throughout the andean nation , where newspapers are full of colorful ads from self - proclaimed “ shamans “ offering to improve anything from customers “ luck to their ability to attract a mate 異類醫療在秘魯這個安第斯民族很流行,當地的報紙到處都刊登出彩色廣告,宣傳所謂的“道士”可以為人們提供改善運氣甚至提高吸引異性魅力的神丹妙藥。

Alternative medicine is popular throughout the andean nation , where newspapers are full of colorful ads from self - proclaimed “ shamans “ offering to improve anything from customers ' luck to their ability to attract a mate 異類醫療在秘魯這個安第斯民族很流行,當地的報紙到處都刊登出彩色廣告,宣傳所謂的“道士”可以為人們提供改善運氣甚至提高吸引異性魅力的神丹妙藥。


As such she compared him with herself ; and at every discovery of the abundance of his illuminations , of the distance between her own modest mental standpoint and the unmeasurable , andean altitude of his , she became quite dejected , disheartened from all further effort on her own part whatever 她就這樣把他拿來同自己作比較每當她發現他的知識那樣豐富,她心中的見解又是那樣淺薄的時候,要是同他的像安地斯山一樣的智力相比,她就不禁自慚形穢,心灰意冷,再也不愿作任何努力了。

The most severely damaged will be the canadian low arctic tundra ; the wooded ural mountain taiga in russia ; the central andean dry puna in chile , argentina and bolivia ; the daurian steppe of mongolia ; the savannah of north - east india and nepal ; and the fynbos of southern africa 受害最嚴重的將是加拿大的下北極苔原,俄羅斯樹木繁茂的烏拉爾山針葉林,智利、阿根廷和玻利維亞安第斯山脈中部的干冷高原,蒙古的干草原,印度和尼泊爾兩國東北部的熱帶稀樹草原,非洲南部的高山硬葉灌木群落。

Quebrada de humahuaca follows the line of a major cultural route , the camino inca , along the spectacular valley of the rio grande , from its source in the cold high desert plateau of the high andean lands to its confluence with the rio leone some 150 km to the south 格夫拉達?德烏馬瓦卡安沿著一條主要的文化路線,卡米諾印加,沿著里奧格蘭德壯觀的山谷,從安第斯山脈的高寒沙漠源頭到達與里奧萊昂南150公里的匯合處。

During the rainy season , engorged streams flowing from higher elevations to the west ? perhaps even the incipient amazon ? would have carried the brown sands with them ; moreover , the minerals typical of the andean highlands appeared only in the sandstone layers 雨季時,暴漲的河水從高海拔處往西邊流(或許包括了早期的亞馬遜河) ,其中夾帶了棕色的沙粒;此外,安地斯高地典型的礦物,也只出現在沙巖層中。

Machu picchu , the “ lost city of the incas “ , as it was dubbed by the man who rediscovered it in the last century , is among the greatest tourist attractions in south america today and ranks among the most outstanding symbols in the andean cultures 馬丘比丘在上個世紀被再度發掘出來,發掘者稱之為“印加失落之城” ,它是當今南美頂級旅游勝地之一,是安第斯多種文明中最為耀眼的象征之一。

Alternative medicine is popular throughout the andean nation , where newspapers are full of colorful ads from self - proclaimed “ shamans “ offering to improve anything from customers “ luck to their ability to attract a mate 異類醫療在秘魯這個安第斯民族很流行,當地的報紙到處都刊登出彩色廣告,宣傳所謂的“道士”可以為人們提供改善運氣甚至提高吸引異性魅力的神丹妙藥。

Alternative medicine is popular throughout the andean nation , where newspapers are full of colorful ads from self - proclaimed “ shamans “ offering to improve anything from customers ' luck to their ability to attract a mate 異類醫療在秘魯這個安第斯民族很流行,當地的報紙到處都刊登出彩色廣告,宣傳所謂的“道士”可以為人們提供改善運氣甚至提高吸引異性魅力的神丹妙藥。

1 even today , one can see andean communities maintaining use rights simultaneously to pastureland above 12 , 000 feet , to potato fields in basins over 9 , 000 feet , and to plots of warm - land crops in regins below 6 , 000feet 即使今天,人們還是可以看到安第斯團體保持同步的使用權力在12000英尺以上是牧場,在9000尺以上的盆地是土豆,在6000尺以下是小塊地的溫帶作物

South american leaders are making peace with bolivia ' s decision to nationalise its natural gas sector , hoping to diffuse tensions sparked by the andean nation ' s radical petroleum industry takeover 南美洲多國首腦正在對玻利維亞決定將其天然氣國有化一事表示接受,以期緩解由這個位于安第斯山脈的國家以激進方式接管石油工業引起的緊張形勢。

In bolivia , evo morales , a socialist of andean - indian descent who is mr ch vez ' s closest disciple , faces mounting opposition to his efforts to impose a new constitution that would cement his power 在玻利維亞,查維斯先生的的親密弟子,擁有安第斯和印第安血統的埃沃?莫拉萊斯,因為試圖推行一部新的憲法來鞏固他的權力而遭到激烈的反對。

Last year the world bank approved a $ 150m loan for streamlining social programmes and to enhance their impact on malnutrition , health and schooling , especially in andean indian villages 去年,世界銀行批準了一項1億5000萬美元的貸款注入社會計劃,以提高這些計劃在安第斯山印第安村莊的營養不良問題、衛生問題和教育問題上的成效。

Peruvian farmers holding coca leaves attend a ceremony where president of the cuzco region oscar cuaresma signed a new coca law in the andean city of cuzco , peru june 21 , 2005 秘魯農夫拿著古柯葉參與一場典禮,在這場集會中,秘魯安地斯山脈地區庫斯科市的首長簽署一項新的古柯法律。

Threemighty north - south andean cordilleras separate the western coastallowlands from the almost empty eastern jungles , with 54 percent ofcolombia ' s land but only 3 percent of the people 三名威武南北斯輔導員單獨從西部沿海低地幾乎空洞東部叢林,哥倫比亞54 %的土地,但只有43 %的人

Among the andean states , there are fears that their textile sales to america will lose out to china ' s as the world textile trade deregulates this year 在安第斯國家中彌散著憂慮,他們擔心今年紡織貿易取消管制后中國對美國的紡織品銷量大于他們對美國的銷量。

Many peruvians , often including the parents of the children concerned , believe that people of andean indian descent are naturally short 許多秘魯人,通常還包括相關孩子的父母,都相信是安第斯印第安人的血統導致了天生的矮小。

A paradise for animal and bird watchers , to the ballestas islands for a close view of sea lions , penguins , dolphins and even andean condors 到帕里斯特斯島ballestas islands可從近處觀賞海獅企鵝海豚甚至安迪斯山兀鷹等。