
andaman 短語和例子Andaman(s)n.安達曼群島〔印度〕(=...

“ jarawa turn hostile “ screamed the headline from the local paper . indignantly , it reported how primitive tribesmen came out of the jungle armed with bows , arrows and spears , raided a village in india ' s middle andaman island and looted tools , food , clothes , cash and jewelry 印度當地報紙憤憤不平地報道:一伙原始部落的人沖出叢林,手持弓箭和長矛,襲擊了位于印度中安達曼島上的一個村莊,將工具食物衣服現金和珠寶首飾洗劫一空之后揚長而去。


“ jarawa turn hostile “ screamed the headline from the local paper . indignantly , it reported how primitive tribesmen came out of the jungle armed with bows , arrows and spears , raided a village in india ' s middle andaman island and looted tools , food , clothes , cash and jewelry 印度當地報紙憤憤不平地報道:一伙原始部落的人沖出叢林,手持弓箭和長矛,襲擊了位于印度中安達曼島上的一個村莊,將工具食物衣服現金和珠寶首飾洗劫一空之后揚長而去。

The first few days of the voyage passed prosperously , amid favourable weather and propitious winds , and they soon came in sight of the great andaman , the principal of the islands in the bay of bengal , with its picturesque saddle peak , two thousand four hundred feet high , looming above the waters 不久,仰光號上的旅客已經看見了安達曼群島的主島大安達曼島。島上美麗的鞍峰山高達兩千四百英尺,老遠地就為航海家們指出了前進的方向。

On the morning of december 26 , 2004 , the andaman coastal provinces of southern thailandphuket , phangnga , krabi , trang , satun and ranongwere struck by five to ten meter - high tsunamis that left tens of thousands of people dead , injured or missing 得知這場悲慘的災難后,由泰國曼谷同修組成的救援隊立刻動員,進行災情評估后,決定前往受災嚴重的攀牙府海邊村莊展開救援行動,當地有為數眾多的災民失去家園與親人。

Indignantly , it reported how primitive tribesmen came out of the jungle armed with bows , arrows and spears , raided a village in india ' s middle andaman island and looted tools , food , clothes , cash and jewelry 印度當地報紙憤憤不平地報道:一伙原始部落的人沖出叢林,手持弓箭和長矛,襲擊了位于印度中安達曼島上的一個村莊,將工具、食物、衣服、現金和珠寶首飾洗劫一空之后揚長而去。

It is very famous for andaman club which includes fishing , the best scuba diving , a casino , duty free shops , a golf course and etc . the speed boats will take you to andaman club from kawthaung -老板島因安達曼俱樂部而聞名,其中包括釣魚、最好的潛水、娛樂場、免稅店、高爾夫球場等娛樂項目。游客從果當市乘快艇可以到達安達曼俱樂部。

More locally , the earthquake and its aftershocks changed the shape and orientation of virtually the entire burma plate and the lands it supports ? in particular , the andaman and nicobar islands 最劇烈的改變發生在震央附近更為局部的區域:主震和馀震幾乎完全改變了緬甸板塊及其上方島嶼的形狀和方位,尤其是印度的安達曼和尼古巴群島。

The space between the rumpled sail and the boom on a hand - built kabang boat reveals a slice of sea and sky ? and other members of the flotilla ? in myanmar ' s mergui archipelago in the andaman sea 在位于安達曼海的緬甸丹老群島,在一艘手工制造的卡邦船上,從起皺的船帆和吊桿之間的空間可看到一線大海和天空,還有船隊的其他成員。

In 2002 the supreme court ordered the andaman and nicobar government to close the 129 - km 80 - mile stretch of the atr passing through the jarawa reserve . but the road remains open 早在2002年,印度最高法院就命令安達曼和尼克巴地方政府關閉安達曼干道中穿過加洛瓦保護區的一段長129公里約80英里的公路。

Jinghong industrial zone is the last zone that chinese government announces to develop , and its strategic location connects the china to the world through the gulf of thailand and andaman sea 景洪工業園區是云南省30個重點工業園區之一,其戰略區位舉足輕重,經泰國灣和安達曼海可將中國與世界連接。

This deluxe hotel is a truly unique experience where luxury meets tranquility in a world of warm tropical sunshine , powder - white sands and the sparkling azure of the andaman sea 沐浴在熱帶溫暖的陽光里,漫步在粉白色的細砂間,徜徉于晶瑩澄碧的安達曼海邊,奢侈與安謐構成了生活的主旋律。

The varied landscape afforded by the andaman islands was soon passed , however , and the rangoon rapidly approached the straits of malacca , which give access to the china seas 所有安達曼群島的美麗的景物,都飛快地從船旁掠過。仰光號迅速地開向馬六甲海峽,這條海峽是通向中國領海的門戶。

The 343 - km 213 - mile andaman trunk road , completed in 1989 , was designed as an economic lifeline to link the island chain 長約343公里213英里的安達曼干道于1989年竣工。它被設計成連接安達曼列島的經濟交通線。

The united nations has sent some equipment to help divers clean up the andaman sea . mr . ukkrit is optimistic 聯合國已經運送了一些設備幫助潛水員清理安達曼海,烏克里特對此表示樂觀。

Scuba divers have been scouring the depths of the andaman sea , in some of thailand ' s favorite dive spots 過去,潛水員一直在泰國的一些潛水景點觀賞和探索安達曼海的海底。

Andaman club on the thahtaykyun island is located west of kawthaung 老板島上的安達曼俱樂部位于果當市西。

Phang nga bay - cannoe andaman - safari adventure - bangkok :攀牙灣割喉群島大自然探險之旅曼谷