
andalusite n.【礦物】紅柱石。


( 2 ) the properties of the material with finer andalusite particle size are superior to those of coarse particle size at lower temperature , but properties of material of fine and coarse particle size have little difference at higher temperature . this illustrates that the andalusite particle size can lower the sintering temperature and that it brings forth not remarkable influence on the property of the material when the material is sintered completely ( 2 )對于不同粒度的原料,在燒成溫度較低的情況下,粒度小的材料性能明顯高于粒度大的材料,但在燒成溫度較高的情況下,兩者差別不大,說明原料粒度減小能降低制品的燒結溫度,但在制品均完全燒結的情況下對材料性能影響不大。

Results show that : ( 1 ) for each particle size of andalusite , variation tendency of the properties of the material is generally the same : the maximum of bulk density , compressive strength and rupture strength appears in the range of 5 % - 10 % content of fiber , these properties of the material remarkably decrease as the fiber content exceed 10 % ; while at the same fiber content , the properties of the material increase with the increase of firing temperature 結果表明: ( 1 )對于不同粒度的原料,性能變化規律大致相同:在同一燒成溫度下,體積密度、常溫耐壓強度、常溫抗折強度在5 10之間出現峰值,加入量超過10之后材料的性能明顯下降;在相同的纖維含量下,隨著燒成溫度的提高,試樣的各項性能均有所上升。

Taking the andalusite from south africa and alumina fiber as raw materials , adding aluminum sulphate as binder , fabrication and properties of alumina fiber reinforced andalusite composite was studied through wet dispersion , mould pressing and sintering processes 以紅柱石和氧化鋁纖維為原料,用硫酸鋁作為結合劑,經過分散、混合、半干法成型、高溫燒成工藝,對氧化鋁纖維增強紅柱石基復合材料的制備及性能進行了研究。

Andalusite - mica schist 紅柱云片巖

Gemological characteristics of andalusite 紅柱石的寶石學特征研究