
andalusian n.安達盧西亞;安達盧西亞人;安達盧西亞雞。adj.安達...


The residential district of the albaycin is a rich repository of moorish vernacular architecture , into which the traditional andalusian architecture blends harmoniously 阿爾巴濟住宅區保留著大量摩爾人建筑風格的各式建筑,同時在這些建筑中還可以看到傳統的安達盧西亞建筑風格被完美地融入了其中。

S boasted the same bright flashing eyes of jet , and ripe , round , coral lips . she moved with the light , free step of an arlesienne or an andalusian 美塞苔絲可愛得象塞浦路斯或凱奧斯的希臘美女一樣,她的眼睛烏黑明亮,嘴唇鮮紅嬌嫩,她的步伐就象阿爾婦女和安達盧西亞婦女那樣輕盈和婀娜多姿。

In the happiest day of his life , the andalusian curled the ball past the rival stopper for the final 3 - 1 in the 84th minute of the game 這是他一生中最幸福的一天,安達盧西亞人(雷耶斯)射出一腳弧線球越過防守者得分使得比分在第八十四分鐘時鎖定在3 : 1 。

Dear , this is andalusian 這是安達盧西亞風格!