
and 短語和例子dance and delight = del...


The firecrackers were crackling and spluttering . 鞭炮劈里啪啦地響。

Mistakes were corrected and gaps filled . 錯誤改正了,缺點也彌補了。

Her face looked vivid and happy。 她的面孔看上去生氣勃勃,喜氣洋洋。

Huck and tom are the heroes of the hour . 哈克和湯姆成了一時的英雄。

Do they have marble tables and chairs ? 他們有大理石餐桌和椅子嗎?。

Her manner was friendly and she was smiling . 她態度友好,春風滿面。

The book provides insight and inspiration . 本書賦予讀者見識和啟發。

His eyes were swollen and his head asleep . 他的眼睛浮腫,腦袋昏沉。

I buy shoes and clothes in the night market . 我在夜市買衣服和鞋子。

They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn . 他們間棉花苗,鋤玉米地。

He moved to leeds and set up as a printer . 他搬到利茲干起了印刷業。

The crown derived rents and other revenue . 王室收取租金和其它稅收。

His wife was so poignant and timely . 他的妻子是這樣有分寸和適時宜。

The colors used are flat and unvaried . 使用的顏色既單調又千篇一律。

Goldie epstein jumped up and down . 戈爾蒂愛潑斯坦上上下下忙作一團。

This essay is grammatically smooth and readable . 這篇作文寫得還順。

She tripped and went down with a bump . 她絆了一下,猛地跌倒在地上。

It 's getting colder and colder from now on . 往后的天氣越來越冷了。

The cashier shut the till and locked it . 出納員把錢柜關好并鎖上了。