
ancient adj.1.已往的,古代的。2.古來的,古老的,舊式的。...

ancient lights

He is very rich, of an ancient family, and has good manners . 他非常富有,出身古代的世家,且彬彬有禮。

In the ancient genus descent was limited to the female line . 在古代的氏祖中,只有按女性下傳的世系。

Three main variations of the ancient greek speech are distinguished . 古希臘語區分為三個主要的變型。

In ancient rome they combined religious duty with pleasure . 在古羅馬,他們卻把信教和娛樂混而為一。

The ancient farmers guarded their water rights jealously . 古代農民極其小心翼翼地保護他們的用水權。

Ancient farmers developed several methods to farm the desert . 古代農民發展了在沙漠耕作的幾種方法。

The ancient greeks dedicated many shrines to aphrodite . 古代希臘人為女神阿芙羅狄蒂造了許多神廟。

Doris played a few simple melodies on an ancient organ . 桃麗絲彈古老的風琴,奏了幾首簡單的曲子。

The ancient egyptians developed their own systems of writing . 古埃及人造出了他們自己的幾套文字。

The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments . 古代天文學家把黃道帶分為12等分。

They bore upon minor points of that ancient order . 它們涉及的不過是那種古老生活秩序的枝節問題。

The grime is too ancient . 積垢年深月久。

General education was not organized in those ancient states . 那些古代國家沒有組織公共的教育。

The heroes and heroines are of ancient and aristocratic lineage . 男女主人都是家世淵源的貴族。

The idea of cantilever construction is ancient in the orient . 在亞洲古代就已實行過懸臂施工。

The ancient pagoda is still there , but not in its integrity . 那座古塔還在,但是不完整了。

It was the ancient attraction of the fresh for the stale . 這是一種永遠誘人的厭舊憐新之感。

His writings were reminiscent of ancient classical writers . 他的作品很像古代的古典作家。

It demonstrated the brilliance of china 's ancient culture . 它顯示了中國古代文化的光輝。