
anchovy n.(pl. anchovy(s)) 【魚類】鯷。 an...


In this paper , zooplankton communities , their species composition and indicator species in the east china sea and the yellow sea were examined with multivariate methods . in the southern part of the yellow sea , where was known as an important spawning ground of anchovy , the seasonal variations of zooplankton were studied in details with respect to species composition , abundance , biomass and vertical distribution . furthermore zooplankton indication of the yellow sea warm current ( yswc ) in winter was discussed 本論文用數理統計方法(包括:雙向指示種分析、多維定標序列分析、判別分析和多元回歸分析)對春、秋兩季東、黃海浮游動物群落進行了劃分、確定各群落的指示種;對南黃海浮游動物的種類組成、分布及其時空變化進行了研究,并與歷史資料進行了比較;并探討了黃海冷水團對某些浮游動物的意義,以及浮游動物對黃海暖流指示。

Other important sources of calcium include green vegetables such as kale , bok choi and broccoli ; nuts especially almonds and brazil nuts ; whole fish such as canned salmon or sardines with bones in , or small fish cooked and eaten whole such as anchovies 其他重要的鈣源還有:綠葉蔬菜,如甘藍小油菜和椰菜杏仁巴西果等堅果帶骨頭的魚帶骨頭的鮭魚或沙丁魚罐頭,鳳尾魚等連骨頭一起烹調和食用的小魚等。

The catch of anchovy is analyzed based on the practice of inshore anchovy trawling . the formula for output calculation per net is established and confirmed 摘要根據中國近海捕撈?魚拖網漁船的實際生產作業情況,對近海拖網漁船捕撈?魚的漁獲量進行了分析,建立了相應的網次平均產量公式,并對該公式進行了驗證。

Crayfish , silverfish , catfish , octopus eel , anchovy , red shrimp , leather jacket , john dony , mahi mahi , monkfish , red gurnard , vannamei shrimp , todarades pacificus , loligo chinensis 淡水小龍蝦、銀魚、鲴魚、章魚、歐鰻、魚、紅蝦、馬面魚、鰍魚、海魴魚、安康魚、紅娘魚、南美對蝦、日本真魷、中國紅魷魚。

But there are also a significant number of dedicated vegetarian eateries , where herbivores can eat without fear of beef stock or anchovies and meat - eaters can give their digestive systems a rest 但也有相當一部分專門的素食餐館,素食者可不必擔憂會吃到牛肉粒或鳳尾魚,食葷者可讓消化系統休息一下。

To make the dressing , combine the anchovies and their oil , garlic , oil and vinegar in a small bowl and whisk to mix well . season with salt and pepper 制作調味品,切碎的油浸鳳尾魚,蒜末及油和香醋放入一小碗中,適當搖動均勻,適量的鹽和胡椒粉。

In a pot , pour about 3 cups of water and boil with anchovies for about thirty minutes . take out anchovies . set aside anchovy water 在鍋里放大約3杯水,加進小魚煮大概30分鐘。把小魚撈出來。湯放一邊備用。

If you find oily fish hard to stomach , try putting salmon in fishcakes or putting anchovies on pizzas 如果您覺得油性魚難以下咽,嘗試把鮭魚做成魚餅,或將沙丁魚放在比薩上就著吃。

Lettuce , tuna , black olive , potato , french beans , anchovy and boiled egg , with chef vinaigrette seasoning 什錦生菜、鮪魚、黑橄欖、珍珠洋芋、四季豆、 ?魚、蛋。佐主廚特制油醬。

The toxins can very quickly kill fish , such as herring and anchovies , that feed on algae 這些毒素能夠很迅速地殺死以藻類為食的魚類,如鯡魚和鳳尾魚。

So , it ' s one medium pie , no mozzareiia , extra oiives and extra anchovies , 馬汀先生,一個中號披薩,不要白起司雙份橄欖,雙份咸魚

I seem to remember anchovy paste is a favorite delicacy ofyours , aunt tilly 好好像記得魚籽醬餅干是你最喜歡的,瑪蒂爾達姑媽

I would like to have the caesar salad but can you make it with extra anchovy 我想點凱撒沙拉,但可否請你多加一點?魚?

Victor anchovy , nick 尼克,來點鳳尾魚

Victor ) anchovy , nick 尼克,來點鳳尾魚

( victor ) anchovy , nick 尼克,來點鳳尾魚

I ' m majoring in comparative iiterature at brown . i hate anchovies 我在布朗大學主修比較文學我不喜歡吃鳳尾魚

Anchovy fillets in olive oil 156g 金島牌油浸銀魚柳156g

Anchovy fillets in olive oil 700g 金島牌油浸銀魚柳700g