
ancestry n.1.〔集合詞〕祖先。2.家世,世系。3.世家,名門。...

Most people of european or african ancestry have the “ wet “ kind : thick and sticky 大多數的歐洲及非洲血統的人屬于“潮濕”一類:粘稠狀的耳垢。

Most people of european or african ancestry have the “ wet “ kind : thick and sticky 大多數歐洲和非洲人屬于“濕”的一類。

“ that ' s exciting , because it ' s reflective of a shared , common ancestry , “ he said “很有趣,這表明它們有著共同的祖先.

Motswana refers to a citizen of botswana or a person of tswana ancestry 莫茨瓦納“是指博茨瓦納公民或茨瓦納族人。


The writer , whose ancestry can be traced to jiaoling county of guangdong province , now resides in beijing 鐘喜甲敬上作者簡介作者是廣東蕉嶺人,現居北京。

The character sheet has had some more information added to it ( ancestry , career , specialisation ) 人物表單將會顯示更多的信息,包括祖先,職業,專業等。

Most people of eroupean ( european ) or african accestry ( ancestry ) have the wet kind : thik ( thick ) and sticky 大部分歐洲人和非洲人的祖先是濕型:粘稠的。

Cultural identity and marginal writing - on chinese writing style from the angle of women writers of chinese ancestry 從華裔女作家看華人寫作的特質

As he is at pains to point out , this is very much our human tale , our ancestry 作者十分痛苦地指出這本書很大程度上是關于人類的故事,人類的祖先。

Most people of european or african ancestry have the “ wet “ kind : thick and sticky 大多數的歐洲及非洲血統的人屬于“潮濕”一類:粘稠狀的耳垢。

Tries discusses the ancestry of red flag the revolutionary history narration and the heroic personality imagination 論余華小說中的兒童形象

I intend to forgive my ancestry for hunting dolphins , whales or any other kingdom 我意愿寬恕我的祖先所做的獵捕海豚、鯨魚或任何其他王國。

About 13 percent of the population is black and about 5 percent is asian ancestry 大約有百分之13的人口是黑人,大約百分之5的人口是亞裔。

Then you may focus upon the related karma of your ancestry in calling upon eagle 隨后你能在召喚鷹王國時聚焦于釋放(相關的)祖先業力上。

A genealogy is a table showing the lines of one ' s ancestry ; a family tree , in short 家族的族譜是一個人列祖的總表,簡言之,就是家譜。

They ' re unique individuals who share deep respect for their irish ancestry 他們都是獨一無二的個體,一起分享對於愛爾蘭血統的尊敬

I intend to forgive my ancestry for feeling responsible for the falls of earth 我意愿寬恕那些為地球的下降而感到自責的祖先們。

About 13 percent of the population is black , and about 5 percent is of asian * ancestry 總人口中大約有13 %是黑人, 5 %是亞洲人。

What do people assume about your character once your character ' s ancestry is revealed 只論你家世的話,人們會預計你是甚麼人?