
ancestral adj.祖先的;祖傳的。 ancestral forms...


Ancestral structural belt 古老構造帶

Many travel to their ancestral homelands to renew ties with their kin 不少人因此回到祖籍老家和宗親們重新建立起宗族關系。

The hau ku shek ancestral hall was declared a monument on 19 december 2003 居石侯公祠于二三年十二月十九日列為法定古跡。

An analysis of origin of confucianism from the perspective of ancestral soul conciousness 從祖靈意識談儒家思想的邏輯起點

Ruan family of chenliu in wei - jin period and their ancestral teaching and family tradition 魏晉陳留阮氏及其家學家風考論

Built in 1751 , it is the liu clan s main ancestral hall in sheung shui 廖萬石堂建于一七五一年,是上水廖族的太祖祠。

Ancestral spirit - allows a spirit walker to resurrect dead non - hero tauren 先古之魂-靈魂行者可以復活非英雄的牛頭人

Her ancestral home is china 她的祖居是中國。

Liu man shek tong ancestral hall 上水廖萬石堂

The results can be used to place people within ancient ancestral groups 結果可能使用安置人在古老祖先小組心頭。

Ancestral worship has long been at the heart of orcish religion 祖先的崇拜之物已經深深的植根語獸人的宗教之中。

Ancestral squalor to it all 一種遺傳性的劣根性

1km to the foshan ancestral temple 佛山禪城酒店

The tin hau temple and the ancestral hall are of high historical value 村內之天后廟及祠堂,甚具歷史價值。

With each recollection i intended to release the ancestral karma 在每一次回憶中,我意愿釋放我的祖先業力。

New idea on cao xueqin ' s ancestral home 曹雪芹祖籍問題新見

Cheung s ancestral hall ( after restoration ) in shan ha tsuen , yuen long 翻新后的元朗山廈村張氏宗祠

Tang ancestral hall ping shan , yuen long 鄧氏宗祠(元朗屏山)

The spacious ancestral hall is also used to hold village gatherings 于二零零三年被列為法定古跡。