
anatomize vt.1.解剖。2.分析,解析。

At the end of this thesis , discussing and anatomizing the status quo of our legislation . what “ s more , thesis comments the definition of “ graveness blame “ which was given by the supreme court with skepticism , and puts forward the comprehend for the concept and new standard to define “ graveness blame “ 第五章對我國現行有關票據的立法中存在的沖突及不可行性進行剖析,對最高人民法院所作的有關“重大過失”的司法解釋提出質疑,文章并闡釋了自己對“重大過失”的概念內涵、界定標準的理解。

The paper have four chapters , the main details are as follows : the first chapter introduce dell company and the operation of dell direct model ; the second chapter expatiate on the subject of the core strengths of dell direct model , anatomize “ the three gold laws of dell direct model “ , market segmentation , on - line support and call center ; the third chapter expatiate on the losses of dell direct model in china from two aspects , impersonal environments and management style , and also some suggestions about the management ; the last chapter focus on whether it ' s suitable to copy dell direct model for chinese companies and some advices about building direct model 全文共分四章,每一章節的主要內容如下:第一章簡要介紹了戴爾公司及其銷售模式的運作;第二章闡述了戴爾直銷模式的核心優勢,剖析了戴爾公司的“黃金三定律” 、細分市場、在線支持及電話中心在直銷模式中所扮演的重要角色:第三章著重論述了戴爾直銷在中國的局限,主要從客觀環境因素和主觀管理因素兩個方面加以闡述,并對其管理模式提出了作者的建議;第四章論述了直銷模式的制約,以康柏( compaq )公司為例指出了盲從直銷不可取,并提出了作者對于建立直銷模式的建議。

Besides , it has also anatomized the questions which lie in the evolving process of the residents “ housing consuming concept and consuming behavior and it has proposed corresponding countermeasure and suggestion 同時,對我國居民住宅消費觀念與消費行為演變過程中存在的若干問題做了剖析,并給出相應的對策及建議。


At the end of this thesis , discussing and anatomizing the status quo of our legislation . what “ s more , thesis comments the definition of “ graveness blame “ which was given by the supreme court with skepticism , and puts forward the comprehend for the concept and new standard to define “ graveness blame “ 第五章對我國現行有關票據的立法中存在的沖突及不可行性進行剖析,對最高人民法院所作的有關“重大過失”的司法解釋提出質疑,文章并闡釋了自己對“重大過失”的概念內涵、界定標準的理解。

It anatomizes pci bus and scsi bus character , designs high speed data collection card based on pci bus by thorough analyzing work process and application means of pci protocol transition chip , designs collection storage system hard ware by the medium of two scsi hd . it analyses windows2000 kernel and wdm drive model , compiles drive program based on dma , realizes data high speed collection 論文首先剖析了pci總線和scsi總線的特征,然后在對pci協議轉換芯片的工作過程和應用方法進行深入分析的基礎上,設計出基于pci總線的高速數據采集卡,并以雙scsi硬盤作為存儲介質,進而設計出整個采集存儲系統的硬件。在分析windows2000內核和wdm驅動模型的基礎上,編制了基于dma工作方式的驅動程序,實現了數據的高速采集。

The stress of this thesis is to make theoretics analysis of accounting information quality . and anatomizes the accounting information quality actuality of chinese stock companies , so as to bring forward the countermeasures of improving accounting information quality of stock companies . the thesis takes for that accounting information quality features are of deffrent levels . the leading features are relativity and reliability 以后的三部分分別從理論上對會計信息質量特征進行討論,對我國股份公司會計信息的質量要求與實現的反差進行深入剖析,并著重對上市公司會計信息失真的表現與成因進行了分析,由此提出提高股份公司會計信息質量5個方面的對策。

Through anatomizing ezw coding algorithm and taking the effects of human being ’ s vision characteristics on quality of reconstituting image . a improved zeretrees algorithm are put forward . at last a new image compression encoding algorithm based on wavelet transform and vector quantization is put forward . the experiment show , in very low bit rate , using the proposed algorithm , the reconstructed image is superior to that of ezw in both of perception and psnr 最后,在小波樹的基礎上,通過對矢量量化的研究,本文提出了一種基于四叉樹結構新的小波樹矢量量化壓縮編碼算法,實驗證明,在較高壓縮比的情況下,使用此方法得到的重構圖象質量(視覺效果和峰值信噪比)比通常的小波壓縮算法有了較大的提高。

Firstly , from implications of an entrepreneur and the angle of theories and fulfillment , the paper anatomized fundamental conceptions , essential traits , social functions , and kinds of an entrepreneur . secondly , the author makes deep and detailed researches horizontally ( from both historical and present points of view ) and vertically ( in view of china and some foreign countries ) on the experience , environments and mechanism for the growth of the echelon of entrepreneurs in our country , their status quo and some existing problems related , the urgency for their strengthening etc . after that , the paper put forward basic objectives and patterns of training the modern echelon of brain entrepreneurs in our country . finally some measures and suggestions on the strengthening of the echelon of entrepreneurs are given in order to heighten their quality , to construct an outside environment for their rapid growth , and to establish and perfect systems and regulations beneficial to their healthy growth 本文首先從企業家的涵義為切入點,采用理論與實踐相結合的方法,對企業家的一般概念、基本特征與社會職能以及企業家的分類進行了討論;通過分析中外企業家隊伍發展的歷史沿革,對我國企業家隊伍的成長過程、目前的現狀和存在的主要問題以及加強我國企業家隊伍建設的緊迫性等問題進行了深入的研究;在此基礎上提出了培養我國現代化智慧型企業家隊伍的目標模式;構建了提高我國企業家隊伍的整體素質,營造適合我國智慧型企業家隊伍成長的外部環境,建立和完善有利于我國智慧型企業家隊伍健康成長的各項機制,加強我國智慧型企業家隊伍培養的對策。

Then , based on the anatomizing of the focuses of the research on learning from worked example since 1980 ' s , this paper put forward the basic hypotheses , and tests it through three sets of experiments . research one aimed at probing into the surface content effects on the access and use of principle 在對樣例學習研究的歷史線索進行分析后,文章著重對20世紀so年代以來樣例學習研究的焦點問題進行了剖析,提出了本研究的基本理論假設,并通過三個方面的實驗進行了驗證。

Firstly , the calculation methods of lighting optics , such as ray tracing method , monte carlo method and flux transmission method , are discussed , further more the characteristic and the application field are anatomized and compared , consequently the flux transmission method is selected as the main method of computational simulation software of photometric characteristic of headlamps for vehicle 本文首先對常用的光線追蹤算法、蒙特卡羅方法和光通轉移法等照明光學的計算方法進行了討論,分析比較了各種計算方法的特點和適用范圍,選擇了光通轉移法作為汽車前照燈反射鏡配光性能的仿真計算的主要算法。

The independent director system is of so great significance in china that this dissertation aims to contribute my personal effort to better chinese independent directors system , either for theoretic reason or for practical reason , by anatomizing basic topics of chinese ids in concept independence and legal status with four subtopics in detail as of rights , duty . liability and coordination problem between independent directors and supervisory board 獨立董事制度在中國的推行具有積極的意義,本文就獨立董事制度的概念、獨立董事的獨立性、獨立董事的法律地位? ?權利、義務和責任、獨立董事與公司監事會關系界定及協調四方面進行研究,用以豐富和完善中國的公司獨立董事制度理論與制度安排。

Later on , according to the basic rules and content requirement of feasibility analysis , the paper begins to draw a general map for commerce real estate market . especially it anatomizes the problems of business projects in pengzhou at present based on the actual condition of local region at chapter 4 and also puts forward an advice for the developers 按照可行性分析的基本原則和內容要求,從商業房地產市場的綜合分析著手,在第四章里根據項目所在區域的實際情況,對目前彭州市商業項目存在的問題進行了剖析并提出了對開發商的建議。

The paper have four chapters , the main details are as follows : the first chapter introduce dell company and the operation of dell direct model ; the second chapter expatiate on the subject of the core strengths of dell direct model , anatomize “ the three gold laws of dell direct model “ , market segmentation , on - line support and call center ; the third chapter expatiate on the losses of dell direct model in china from two aspects , impersonal environments and management style , and also some suggestions about the management ; the last chapter focus on whether it ' s suitable to copy dell direct model for chinese companies and some advices about building direct model 全文共分四章,每一章節的主要內容如下:第一章簡要介紹了戴爾公司及其銷售模式的運作;第二章闡述了戴爾直銷模式的核心優勢,剖析了戴爾公司的“黃金三定律” 、細分市場、在線支持及電話中心在直銷模式中所扮演的重要角色:第三章著重論述了戴爾直銷在中國的局限,主要從客觀環境因素和主觀管理因素兩個方面加以闡述,并對其管理模式提出了作者的建議;第四章論述了直銷模式的制約,以康柏( compaq )公司為例指出了盲從直銷不可取,并提出了作者對于建立直銷模式的建議。

By contracting several databases , sql server 2000 is selected for the property database platform . then the structure and function of sql server 2000 are anatomized in the thesis . finally the structure of the route codes and the meaning of each data code are analyzed 通過對幾種數據庫的對比分析,從中確立了sqlserver2000作為本系統的屬性數據庫平臺,然后對sqlserver2000結構及功能進行了詳細的剖析,并完整分析了路線代碼的結構及各個數據代碼代表的意義。

This paper based on the analysis about villagers and nomads ' incomes level of qinghai province and its structure to anatomize the factors that causes the incomes gap , and brought forward the basic thinking way and policy option for raising villagers and nomads ' income and shrinking income gap 摘要本文在對青海省農牧民收入水平及其結構進行分析的基礎上,剖析了造成青海省農牧民收入差距的影響因素,提出了提高農牧民收入、縮小收入差距的基本思路和政策選擇。

In the second part , a full and accurate analysis is firstly conducted in allusion to the status quo of the of chinese state - owned enterprises , then outspread from four aspects to anatomize the present problems roundly which exist in organization , conception and system arrangement of chinese state - owned enterprises 第二部分本章針對我國國企公司治理結構的現狀進行了翔實的分析,從四個大的方面全面解剖了國企存在的體制、觀念和制度安排上的問題。

This document undertakes some theories of economics and strategy management , by positive research , to anatomize the strategy and core competence of tai ping life . on the basis of research , the document draws some lessons , which could be useful to small and medium size enterprises 本文運用經濟學和戰略管理的相關理論,從實證研究的角度,對太平人壽的戰略和核心競爭力進行較系統的研究和剖析,從中得出一些對中小企業具有借鑒意義的啟示。

This treatise anatomized the process of the reform and existent problems in the current scientific research departments in west coastal national minorities ' areas , and put forward the proposition about countermeasure for accelerating the step of its reform , and for moving forward scientific technology innovation 摘要該文分析了西部少數民族地區當前科研機構改革的進展及存在的問題,提出了加快科研機構改革步伐,促進科技創新的對策建議。

The main work and achievements are as follows mcs - 51 microcontroller is studied . the result of the research is included mcs - 51 microcontroller work princip instruction system timing analysis feature picking up ; etc mcs - 51 microcontroller chip has been anatomized 本論文的目的是設計mcs ? 51單片機芯片,主要工作和取得的成果如下:對mcs ? 51單片機進行分析研究,包括mcs ? 51單片機工作原理、指令系統、時序分析、特征提取等。