
anatomist n.解剖學者。


The thesis mainly study the technology of atm lan in - country and overseas , and with the key of qos . with the anatomist object of lan emulation and ip over atm , fouse on expatiate strategy which discussed from three aspect : emulation bridge in lan emulation , the setting of priority in ip over atm , the currency control of flux . at last , this paper set out the ascendant capability of the new strategy with the tool of probability and randomization 本文主要在分析國內外在atm局域網技方面的最新研究成果的基礎上,以服務質量( qos )為主線,以atm仿真局域網技術和ipoveratm技術為剖析對象,系統地闡述了在仿真網橋、優先級設置、通用流量控制方面的改進策略并使用概率和隨機過程工具初步展示了新策略優越的性能。

A michigan state university anthropologist determined that remains likely date from the early 19th century and were part of a collection of anatomical specimens from scottish anatomist allen burns , the times herald reported . the listing was removed from ebay on oct . 11 because it violated a policy against selling human remains , ebay has said . the web site allows the sale of skeletons for medical use , but not mummified remains 密歇根州州立大學人類學家諾曼索爾斷定,這具骨骼是一個死亡時年齡大約在6歲到9歲之間的孩子的遺體,它的歷史可以追溯到19世紀早期,是一位名叫艾倫伯恩斯的蘇格蘭解剖學家所收藏的解剖學專用標本的一部分。

Financial safety is commonly the study object in the financial crisis and financial crisis opposite . it is a pity that this paper has no enough ability and time to study all these problems , so this paper will stress discuss aspects hereinafter : firstly , go deep into anatomist fss theory meaning . secondly , set up a all - sided , impersonality and synthetically fssis 遺憾的是,本文也沒有能力在短暫的時間內完整地研究金融安全問題,本文將重點討論以下幾方面內容:一、深入剖析金融安全區的理論涵義,對概念的界定進行綜合比較分析;二、在深刻理解金融安全區的理論涵義的基礎上,綜合現有國內外研究成果,從影響金融安全的宏觀綜合因素角度出發構建一個全面、客觀、綜合地反映金融安全區狀況的指標體系。

Last , besides realizing the system function , author anatomists the lack of this workflow management system , and then provides a way to improve the system . at one time , author makes an appraisal for the role that plays in the system by using workflow techniques 最后,作者在實現功能的基礎上,剖析了本系統中工作流處理系統的不足,并提出了相應的改進辦法,同時對本工作流系統在整個系統中的作用做出了評價。

Generations of artists , anatomists , forensic and psychological experts and facial surgeons have probed on and below its surface , mapping its contours inside and out , on the dead as well as the living 世世代代的藝術家、解剖學家、 ?識學與精神科專家、還有顏面外科醫師皆嘗試深入地探索這個領域,將臉孔層層抽絲剝繭,研究對象涵蓋死者與活人。

A michigan state university anthropologist determined that remains likely date from the early 19th century and were part of a collection of anatomical specimens from scottish anatomist allen burns , the times herald reported 索爾在其發給警方的一封電子郵件中指出,那些收藏品是在1820年被人帶到美國的,此后一直放置在馬里蘭大學醫學院內。

Generations of artists , anatomists , forensic and psychological experts and facial surgeons have probed on and below its surface , mapping its contours inside and out , on the dead as well as the living 各世代的藝術家、解剖學家、法醫和心理學家以及整型外科醫生,皆試圖描繪活著的人或是已故者的臉的表面及深層意涵。

However charles sedgwick minot , the anatomist who said those words , jumped the gun 這是美國科學發展協會第1902次會議上的開場演講詞。