
anatomic adj.1.解剖的,解剖(學)上的。2.組織的,構造上的...


The leve l of blood pressure and left ventricular anatomic geom etry were two most important predictors 結果和結論:對心臟收縮功能和舒張功能有獨立影響的因素不盡相同,血壓水平和解剖結構是兩個最重要影響因素。

The physical & chemical indexes and anatomic structures of the sweet pepper growing in stover substrate were studied in this paper 摘要對甜椒幼苗在各種秸稈型育苗基質上的理化指標、解剖結構等進行了研究。

The endoscopic surgery provided an excellent visualization , and preserved a vital anatomic structure and left no facial scar 結果:內窺鏡手術和鼻側切開術都可以切除鼻腔內翻性乳頭狀瘤。

Use of calcaneal anatomic plate in open reduction and internal fixation of intra - articular calcaneal fractures with arthroscopically - assisted 關節鏡輔助下鋼板內固定治療關節內跟骨骨折

Anatomic relationship between prevertebral fascia and carotid sheath and its significance in the anterior cervical operation 頸動脈鞘和椎前筋膜的解剖關系及在頸椎前路手術中的意義

Anatomic study and clinical application of anterior hollow screw fixation in the treatment of odontoid fracture 前入路空心螺釘內固定治療齒狀突骨折的解剖學測量及臨床應用

Clinical evaluation of delayed open reduction and internal fixation with anatomic plate for fracture of distal tibia and fibula 延期切開復位鋼板內固定治療脛腓骨遠端骨折

The spect cisternography - mri fused imaging provided precise anatomic localization of csf leak 而單光子計算機斷層腦池造影與磁振造影的融合圖象則提供更精確的解剖定位。

Clinically anatomic study on the relation between the form of pleural cupula and its surrounding commonly - used acupoints 胸膜頂形態與周圍常用穴位關系的臨床解剖研究

The spect cisternography - mri fused imaging provided precise anatomic localization of csf leak 而單光子電腦斷層腦池造影與磁振造影的融合影像則提供更精確的解剖定位。

Anatomic study on normal atlanto - axial joint in the functional position by using ct three - dimensional imaging method 三維成像觀察正常寰樞關節功能位的解剖學研究

In accordance with primary anatomic sites of involvement , uveitis is classified mainly into anterior and posterior types 葡萄膜炎是指眼球內的葡萄膜組織發炎。

Related problems of method of microinjection into rabbit lumbar intervertebral disc and its anatomic feature 兔腰椎間盤內顯微注射方法的相關問題及其解剖學特點

The clinical anatomic study on the blood supplying system and its vessel architecture of the mandible 觀測閉孔血管和髂外血管在腹股溝區的分支及其吻合支

Progressively disc riminant analysis of clinical and anatomic factors of lumbar inter vertebral disc herniation 腰椎間盤突出癥影響因素的逐步判別分析

An anatomic study of the posterior wall of the sphenoidal sinus for endoscopic surgery using computed tomography 研究蝶竇后壁可開窗范圍及相關因素

Anatomic orientation of lumbar facet joints and its effects on degeneration of intervertebral disc 腰椎關節突關節方向性解剖及對椎間盤退變的影響

Operational pathway and anatomic landmarks for retroperitoneal laparoscopic distal pancreatic surgery 后腹腔鏡胰體尾外科手術入路及解剖學標志

Anatomic research on distally based compound flap pedicled with the nutrient vessels of cephalic vein 頭靜脈營養血管遠端蒂復合瓣的解剖學研究