
anathema n.1.咒,詛咒。2.【宗教】咒逐〔用詛咒逐出教會〕。3...

There ' s not a lot that happens in “ 2046 . “ the languid , carefully composed shots that wong constructs for his actors are anathema to the frenzied rhythms of contemporary hollywood 并沒有太多故事情節,王家衛在他的演員身上拍出來的那些懶散倦怠、耐心經營的鏡頭被節奏強烈的當代好萊塢視為異類。


If the children gathered about her , as they sometimes did , pearl would grow positively terrible in her puny wrath , snatching up stones to fling at them , with shrill , incoherent exclamations , that made her mother tremble , because they had so much the sound of a witch s anathemas in some unknown tongue 如果孩子們有時圍起她來,她就發起小脾氣,變得非常兇狠,她會抄起石于向他們扔去,同時發出連續的尖聲怪叫,跟巫婆用沒入能懂的咒語喊叫極其相似,嚇得她母親渾身直抖。

But above all , if he have st paul ' s perfection , that he would wish to be an anathema from christ , for the salvation of his brethren , it shows much of a divine nature , and a kind of conformity with christ himself 但是,最要者,假如他有圣保羅底至德,就是,假如他肯為了他底兄弟們底得救而受基督底詛咒的話,那就顯出他頗合乎天道,與基督自身竟有一種符合之處了。

But above all , if he has st . paul ' s perfection , that he would wish to be anathema from christ , for the salvation of his brethren , it shows much of a divine nature , and a kind of conformity with christ himself 最后,如果一個人竟能像《圣經》中的圣保羅那樣,肯為了兄弟們的得救甚至甘于忍受神的詛咒;那么他就必定超越了凡人,而且有真正基督徒的品格了。

The net result is that organizations that are anathema to entity modelers classes with no state data at all , one - to - one and many - to - many relationships between classes , etc . appear all over the place in oo systems 其凈結果是那種對于實體建模者是被詛咒者的組織(沒有任何狀態數據的類、類之間一對一和多對多的關系等等。 )在oo系統中到處出現。

There ' s not a lot that happens in “ 2046 . “ the languid , carefully composed shots that wong constructs for his actors are anathema to the frenzied rhythms of contemporary hollywood 并沒有太多故事情節,王家衛在他的演員身上拍出來的那些懶散倦怠、耐心經營的鏡頭被節奏強烈的當代好萊塢視為異類。

[ asv ] wherefore i make known unto you , that no man speaking in the spirit of god saith , jesus is anathema ; and no man can say , jesus is lord , but in the holy spirit 所以我告訴你們、被神的靈感動的、沒有說耶穌是可咒詛的若不是被圣靈感動的、也沒有能說耶穌是主的。

Wherefore i make known unto you , that no man speaking in the spirit of god saith , jesus is anathema ; and no man can say , jesus is lord , but in the holy spirit 所以我告訴你們、被神的靈感動的、沒有說耶穌是可咒詛的若不是被圣靈感動的、也沒有能說耶穌是主的。

Though it was now dark , i knew he was awake ; because i heard him fulminating strange anathemas at finding himself lying in a pool of water 盡管此刻漆黑一片,但我知道他醒了,因為我聽見他一發現自己躺在水潭之中,便發出了奇怪的咒罵聲。

Though championed by mr koizumi , it was anathema to mr abe , whose conservative credentials risked being undermined 盡管得到小泉的支持,對安倍來說也是令人厭惡的事情,因為其作為保守派的信用可能遭到破壞。

Passivity places persons in an intellectual coma and is anathema to passion for learning and life 被動的態度則會使人陷入思維呆滯的狀況,遑論對學習和生活的熱情。

He said that since suvs guzzle more gas , they were anathema to energy conservation efforts 他說休旅車很耗油,是能源節約的殺手。

Independence for the kurds is anathema to turkey and iran 庫爾德人的獨立對土耳其和伊朗來說將是一場夢魘。

Racial prejudice is ( an ) anathema to me 我對種族偏見深惡痛絕