
anastomosis n.(pl. -ses )1.(筋脈等的)吻合(術)。2...


Methods the origin , course , branches and anastomosis of vessels at the external femoral condyle and anterior side of the distal femur were observed on 40 adult cadaver lower limb specimens 方法在40側成人下肢標本上,解剖觀測股骨外側髁和股骨下段前面的血管來源、走行、分支和吻合情況。

Our data suggest that several patient characteristics are associated with an increased risk of a urinary complication . the u - stitch technique should not be used for the ureteral anastomosis 我們的資料說明患者的某些特征與泌尿系并發癥的高風險有關。 u -針技術不適合用于輸尿管吻合術。

In conclusion , the single postoperative anastomosis stricture , membrane type and the medical history of less 3 months is the best operative medication with esophageal dilatation 初步研究結果提示,食管癌術后單純吻合口狹窄、膜狀型,病史不超過3個月者,是食管擴張術的最佳適應證。

Objective colorectal anastomosis in deep pelvis has been very difficult to perform during dixon operation . in this study we eveluated the role of double stapling technique in low colorectal anastomosis 目的評價雙吻合器技術在結直腸吻合術尤其是低位結直腸吻合術中的應用。

Methods 10 fresh abandoned hands were observed the origins , distributions and anastomosis of the blood vessels and nerves under the operative microscope 方法10例廢棄手標本, 10倍手術顯微鏡下觀察該皮瓣血管神經的顯微結構特點,并應用該皮瓣游離移植修復指腹缺損( 7只手) 。

Methods the double stapling technique was used in colorectal anastomosis after anterior resection in 120 patients with rectal cancer from 1994 to 1998 , and the results were evaluated 方法回顧分析自1994年以來在四年間治療直腸癌,應用雙吻合器行結直腸吻合術120例的經驗。

No anastomosis of superficial vein was performed before 1994 , while after 1994 , it was carried out on 4 cases because of venous crisis occurred immediately after flap transposition 術中皮瓣轉移后如發現靜脈回流不暢,則將此淺靜脈與受區的淺靜脈進行吻合,以助靜脈回流。

Methods thirty - one cases were treated with vein autograft or simple anastomosis , combined with silicon tube or segmental eqidural cathete implantation 方法采用自體靜脈移植搭橋或直接吻合方法,聯合硅膠管或硬膜外麻醉管置入,修復外傷性淚小管斷裂31例。

In the lumbar region , upper and lower collateral anastomosis of each segmental artery can be obviously found which included 2 ~ 3 segments for each segmental artery 胸段動脈多見以橫向連接吻合,而腰段除此之外還可見明顯的動脈上下2 ~ 3節段側支吻合。

Conc lusions crushing severed fingertip could be replanted as long as the body of the crushing fingertip remained intact and the vessels for anastomosis could be found 結論只要沖壓性離斷的指體仍較完整,清創時能找到可供吻合的血管,應予以再植。

Abstract : objective to solve the problem of venous stagnation of island flaps of hand or forearm with the method of superficial vein anastomosis 文摘:目的采用吻合皮瓣淺靜脈的方法,解決手部及前臂島狀皮瓣轉移后靜脈回流不暢的問題。

An eighteen - year - old girl suffered form the gangrene of terminal ileum and underwent segmental resection and later anastomosis wiht ileocolostomy 摘要一位十十歲女孩因罹患末端?腸膿瘍而進行整段切除并以?腸大腸吻合術重建之。

Of these , 6 underwent surgical revascularization , including superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis and / or pial synangiosis 其中, 6例行外科血管成形術,包括淺表顳動脈到中腦動脈吻合和或頸部吻合。

Colonic decompression without intraoperative colonic lavage for one - stage resection and primary anastomosis following acute obstruction of left colon cancer 無術中結腸灌洗結腸減壓在左半結腸癌急性梗阻一期切除吻合中應用

Clinical study on the safety and the recovery of gastrointestinal motility using decoction of xiaochengqi for early enema in colonic anastomosis 小承氣合劑早期灌服對結腸吻合術后胃腸動力恢復及安全性的作用

Address system , and any other wow career are different , and before the game and died in cleveland skills and very anastomosis 符文系統和任何其他wow職業都不同,而和之前游戲中死亡騎士的技能又非常吻合。

Treatment of chyluria with silver nitrate irrigation of the renal pelvis and anastomosis of inguinal lymph nodes and great saphenous veins 腹股溝區淋巴靜脈分流加硝酸銀腎盂灌注治療乳糜尿的臨床療效

Experience in diagnosis and treatment of one - stage resection and anastomosis for acute left - semicolon cancer with obstruction : report of 132 cases 左半結腸癌急性梗阻行一期切除吻合術132例診治體會

Effect of stasis - eliminating and pulse - activating recipe on endothelial - cell healing after vascular anastomosis : an experimental study 化瘀生脈方對血管吻合術后內皮細胞愈合影響的實驗研究