
anastomose vt.,vi.1.(使)(血管)吻合。2.(使)(河流)...


Results the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve originated from the radial nerve with 2 branches distributed in radial posterior view of the forearm . 7 . 2 nutrient vessels in average were seen to accompany with and supply the nerve , among which the first one was the biggest and accompanied tile nerve farthest and anastomosed abundantly with other nutrient vessels 結果前臂后皮神經起自橈神經,至前臂部主要分為兩支,分布于前臂后部橈側2 / 3 ,其營養血管平均為7 . 2支,其中第一支最粗,并伴行最遠,并和其他營養動脈之間存在著豐富的吻合。

( 2 ) common integument tissue venous vessel network can be divided into five layers from superficial layer to deep layer : cutaneous papillary layer , hypopapillary layer , hypodermis layer , subdermal layer and deep fascia layer . the artery branch and arteriole that shallowed up from hypopapillar layer get to papillar layer to form vessel network , circuitous and twisted , reflux and anastomose to become postcapillary micro veins and endothelial venule , then anastomose each other and accompanied with artery to enter hypo 小靜脈伴行動脈進入皮下組織層、深筋膜層,并與皮下組織層和深筋膜層動脈分支的伴行靜脈匯合,分別形成皮下組織層、深筋膜層靜脈網,進而匯入軸心動脈的伴行靜脈。而真皮下血管網中與動脈不伴行的微靜脈匯合成為小靜脈,并逐漸聚集增粗,匯合加入淺非伴行靜脈屬支或即為屬支的起點。

The hvac system did not work well in yifu library of beijing university of technology , so we have a local investigation . finally we found out the reason for “ cold in winter and hot in summer ” . in may eighth , we tested the temperature of reading room 、 office ; supply and return water temperature ; water flow and the velocity of fan coil units . we simulate the library with energyplus , which is developed by u . s . a , compared the simulation results with the true temperature and they anastomosed well . on the basis of good simulation results , we simulate the hot day in summer and the cold day in witer and get the temperature of the reading room and the office 于空調系統開啟的條件下測試了館內各功能房間的溫度;供、回水溫度及流量;風機盤管的出風速度。又運用美國新一代能耗分析軟件energyplus對當日館內的溫度進行模擬,將模擬值與實測值進行比較,驗證兩者基本吻合。進一步模擬出夏季與冬季設計日圖書館內各功能房間的室內溫度,作為分析依據。

Within the scope of experiment error permitted , the optimally selected model 1 anastomose the experiment values very well . generally speaking , optimally selected model one can be used to calculate the electrical conductivity of cu - a ^ os composites 在實驗誤差允許的范同內cu - al2o3復合材料電導率的優選模型一與實驗值吻合很好。一般情況下,優選模型一即可用來計算cu - al2o3復合材料的電導率。

Methods : according to the anatomic features of the distal radial artery , the superficial palmar branch and the end branch of the radial artery were anastomosed with the arteries of transplanted tissues during the operation of thumb or finger reconstructing 方法:根據橈動脈遠端的形態特點,在組合移植再造拇、手指手術時,撓動脈掌淺支、橈動脈終支與兩個移植組織的動脈分別吻合。

All of the anastomosed sites were assessed by doppler ultrasonography postoperatively , and hepatic arterial thrombosis or stenosis had not been found at follow - up period 術后彩色多普勒超聲監測顯示肝動脈血流通暢,均未發現有血栓形成或肝動脈狹窄,全部病例未發生膽道并發癥。

However , they are anastomosing and not collapsed , and are accompanied by atypical endothelial cells , eosinophilic hyaline globules , plasma cells and fascicles of spindle cells 然而,它們的血管網是吻合的,不塌陷,伴不典型內皮細胞、嗜堿性玻璃樣小球、漿細胞和梭形細胞束。

Methods the transplantation was performed with end to end anastomoses of renal arteries and veins and anastomose of donor ureterocystic flap to recipient ' s bladder 方法采用原位低溫灌注、手術顯微鏡下原位端端吻合腎動、靜脈,將輸尿管帶膀胱瓣吻合于膀胱。

In general , bowel is hard to infarct from atherosclerotic vascular narrowing or thromboembolization because of the widely anastomosing blood supply 通常,腸很難由于動脈粥樣硬化血管狹窄或血栓栓塞而發生梗死,因為有廣泛吻合支存在。

Cells are arranged in anastomosing cords and hae acidophilic granular cytoplasm and round esicular nuclei with punctate nucleoli 細胞排列呈網結狀,具有嗜酸性顆粒狀胞漿和圓形泡狀核中有斑點狀的核仁。

If a large enough bile duct can be found to anastomose and provide bile drainage , then surgery can be curative 如果有足夠大的膽管可進行吻合并提供膽汁引流,該病即能夠通過手術治愈。

Some organs such as bowel with anastomosing blood supplies , or liver with a dual blood suppy , are hard to infarct 一些器官如腸側支循環較多,或者如肝有雙重血液供應,很難發生梗死。

The pedicle is anastomosed to recipient vessels in the chest , and the donor site is closed without the use of mesh 在胸部血管蒂與受體血管吻合,供區不需要使用網片就可以關閉。

Some organs such as bowel with anastomosing blood supplies , or liver with a dual blood suppy , are hard to infarct 有吻合血液供應的腸,或雙重血液供應的肝等器官很難發生梗死。

Conclusions : the method is simple and practical , the survive rate of anastomosing blood vessel is high 結論:該方法具有操作方便,血管吻合通暢率高的優點。

He anastomosed the thought of other thinkers and having suggested uniquely in the field of law 他的法律思想融合了諸子百家的觀點而自成一體。

Cross legs vascular anastomosed flap transplantation for severe injury of lower extremities 橋式交叉吻合血管的皮瓣移植修復下肢嚴重毀損傷

Depositional characterisytics and models of the modern anastomosing river in china 中國現代網狀河流沉積特征和沉積模式

From a paleogeomorphic point of view, the dentric and anastomosing pattern of distributaries in the mississippi river delta complex is three dimensional . 從古地貌觀點來看,在密西西比河三角洲復合體內,樹枝狀和網狀的分流模式是三度空間的。