
anarchist n.無政府主義者。

In a sense , we might characterize the anarchist as a man without a country , for despite the ties which bind him to the land of his childhood , he stands in precisely the same moral relationship to “ his “ government as he does to the government of any other country in which he might happen to be staying for a time 在某種意義上,我們可以說無政府主義者是一個沒有祖國的人,因為,盡管有種種紐帶把他與他所生長的土地系在一起,但是他與“他的”政府之間的道德關系同他與他碰巧在其中暫時逗留的任何國家的政府之間的道德關系幾乎是一樣的。

The first part : through tracing back to the origin of wuzhi hui “ s anarchism thought : the natural instincts of petty bourgeoisie intellectual , philosophical bases the universal harmonious world idea of confucianism and the thought of western anarchism , prove that when those factors agitate each other and produce joint efforts , it lead wuzhihui to the way of anarchist inevitably and logically 第一部分:通過追溯吳稚暉的小資產階級知識分子本性、哲學基礎,傳統儒家大同學說內蘊和西方無政府主義思想外應以及社會現實的思想淵源,論證他走上無政府主義之路是上述因素互相激蕩、產生合力的邏輯必然。

“ butterfly ' s tongue “ tells of the friendship between a boy and an anarchist schoolmaster , born of their mutual interest in animal and insect life , and destroyed by the start of the spanish civil war , also tell of first experiences with the adult world 這一部電影講述了一個孩子與一位無政府主義校長之間的友誼,他們有著熱衷于探究小昆蟲等動物生活習性的共同興趣,當然這一切,都因西班牙內戰的爆發而付諸東流,孩子終究要體驗到成人世界。

Between 1978 and 1995 , an anarchist and terrorist known as the unabomber planted or mailed homemade bombs that killed 3 people and wounded 23 others in 16 separate incidents throughout the united states 1978年至1995年期間,一名被稱為“尤那邦摩“的無政府主義者兼恐怖主義分子放置或郵寄自制炸彈,在全美各地造成了16起爆炸事件,使3人喪命, 23人受傷。

“ we are the sworn enemies of society , “ he found himself quoted as saying in a column interview . “ no , we are not anarchists but socialists . “我們是社會的不共戴夫之敵, ”他發現自己在一個專欄采訪里說, “不,我們不是無政府主義者,而是社會主義者。 ”

“ we are not terrorists , we are not anarchists , but we are against those people who blaspheme islam , “ one protestor shouted , ap said “我們不是恐怖分子,我們不是無政府主義者,但是我們反對那些褻瀆伊斯蘭教的人“ ,一個示-威者對美聯社記者喊著。

Vaidhyanathan , siva . “ the anarchist in the library . “ 2002 圖書館的無政府主義者2002 。


In a sense , we might characterize the anarchist as a man without a country , for despite the ties which bind him to the land of his childhood , he stands in precisely the same moral relationship to “ his “ government as he does to the government of any other country in which he might happen to be staying for a time 在某種意義上,我們可以說無政府主義者是一個沒有祖國的人,因為,盡管有種種紐帶把他與他所生長的土地系在一起,但是他與“他的”政府之間的道德關系同他與他碰巧在其中暫時逗留的任何國家的政府之間的道德關系幾乎是一樣的。

The first part : through tracing back to the origin of wuzhi hui “ s anarchism thought : the natural instincts of petty bourgeoisie intellectual , philosophical bases the universal harmonious world idea of confucianism and the thought of western anarchism , prove that when those factors agitate each other and produce joint efforts , it lead wuzhihui to the way of anarchist inevitably and logically 第一部分:通過追溯吳稚暉的小資產階級知識分子本性、哲學基礎,傳統儒家大同學說內蘊和西方無政府主義思想外應以及社會現實的思想淵源,論證他走上無政府主義之路是上述因素互相激蕩、產生合力的邏輯必然。

“ butterfly ' s tongue “ tells of the friendship between a boy and an anarchist schoolmaster , born of their mutual interest in animal and insect life , and destroyed by the start of the spanish civil war , also tell of first experiences with the adult world 這一部電影講述了一個孩子與一位無政府主義校長之間的友誼,他們有著熱衷于探究小昆蟲等動物生活習性的共同興趣,當然這一切,都因西班牙內戰的爆發而付諸東流,孩子終究要體驗到成人世界。

The first international fulfilled this colossal task but , following the defeat of the paris commune and the attempted sabotage and disruption of the anarchists led by bakunin , the first international had exhausted its historical mission and was wound up 第一國際完成了這一艱巨的任務,但隨著巴黎公社的失敗和由巴枯寧領導的無政府主義者的蓄意破壞分裂,第一國際竭盡了它的歷史使命而告終。

He learned , also , that he spoke nightly to the workmen in the city hall park , and that among the anarchists and agitators that there inflamed the minds of the people he drew the largest audiences and made the most revolutionary speeches 他還讀到他每天晚上都要在市政廳公園向工人們演說,在那些蠱惑群眾的無政府主義者和煽動家之中是聽眾最多發言最激烈的一個。

Between 1978 and 1995 , an anarchist and terrorist known as the unabomber planted or mailed homemade bombs that killed 3 people and wounded 23 others in 16 separate incidents throughout the united states 1978年至1995年期間,一名被稱為“尤那邦摩“的無政府主義者兼恐怖主義分子放置或郵寄自制炸彈,在全美各地造成了16起爆炸事件,使3人喪命, 23人受傷。

In january 1911 , the streets of london rang with gunfire as police and soldiers besieged a gang of anarchists , rare newsreel reveals how a bullet missed winston churchill ' s head by inches 1911年1月,倫敦街頭響起了警報,士兵在圍堵一群無政府主義者。幾乎沒有新聞片揭示1顆子彈如何擦著丘吉爾的腦袋幾英寸而過。

This paper elaborates upon the intellectual tradition of the anarchist socialist urban reform that lay behind mum ford ' s views , and their roots in american culture 本文分析《歷史中的城市》與孟福式人文主義論述之論述形構,試圖闡明其無政府主義社會主義都市改革之知識傳統與它們的美國文化根源。

“ we are the sworn enemies of society , “ he found himself quoted as saying in a column interview . “ no , we are not anarchists but socialists . “我們是社會的不共戴夫之敵, ”他發現自己在一個專欄采訪里說, “不,我們不是無政府主義者,而是社會主義者。 ”

Father s a railroad president and many times millionnaire , but the son s starving in frisco , editing an anarchist sheet for twenty - five a month . 他爸爸是一條鐵路的總裁,有好幾百萬家產,可兒子卻在舊金山挨餓,編著一份無政府主義報紙,每月二十五塊。 ”

“ we are not terrorists , we are not anarchists , but we are against those people who blaspheme islam , “ one protestor shouted , ap said “我們不是恐怖分子,我們不是無政府主義者,但是我們反對那些褻瀆伊斯蘭教的人“ ,一個示-威者對美聯社記者喊著。

It holds that the chinese anarchist are the pioneers of the working class who pay more value on the working class and contribute a lot to the chinese labor movement 是他們在中國率先提出“勞動者,神圣也”的口號,對中國勞動運動有啟蒙之功。