
anarchic adj.無政府(主義)的。


Talladega nights is a more refined version of the kind of anarchic , semi - improvised comedy that we saw in anchorman , with the added bonus of being a dead - on pastiche of the hollywood biopic genre 《塔拉迪加之夜》將我們在《王牌播音員》中所看到的那種毫無章法、半即興式的喜劇發揮得更加出色,而對于好萊塢傳記片的那種惟妙惟肖的模仿則更是錦上添花。

Research by dr simon williams of the university of warwick divides sleepers into eight categories , from the socially attentive , intolerant , selfish and anarchic to the snoozers , nappers , feigners and deviants 華威大學威廉斯博士領導的研究,將睡眠者分成8類,從謹守社會規范、不寬容、自私、無法無天,到打盹、小睡、假睡、睡眠不正常的人。

But we need to understand that the anarchic topsy - turydom of nationality self - helping makes the system designing in international mechanism need strictness and agility criterions to carry legislator ’ s point 但是,應當認識到,國際社會的國家自助無政府狀態使得國際機制的制度設計更需要嚴密而靈活的規范從而能夠達到立法者的目的。

The scum manifesto ( society for cutting up men manifesto ) is a misandrous tract written in 1968 by valerie solanas which advocated a violent anarchic revolution to create an all - female society 《 scum宣言》是本由瓦萊麗?索拉娜斯寫于1968的厭男的小冊子,里面宣揚使用暴力無政府的革命手段去創建一個純女性的社會。

It is the belief of realism that inter - state politics is anarchic , as all the sates are actors driven by self - interest , for whom conflict is an inevitable means to self - protection 現實主義認為國際政治乃屬于無政府狀態,而國家都是自利的行為體,為了自保而發生沖突乃不可避免的結果。

Private international law as an important system of international law has been playing more and more important role in contemporary anarchic international relations 摘要國際私法作為一項重要的國際法律制度,在當代無政府狀態的國際關系中發揮著日益重要的作用。

As you lay your head on your pillow tonight , spare a thought for anyone who might share your bed ? particularly if you ' re selfish , intolerant or anarchic 今晚把頭放在枕頭上時,花點心思替可能與你同床的人想想特別是如果你自私、不寬容或是無法無天的話。

Today , it ' s little uncommon that people litter , evade taxes , make unlawful noises and drive in an anarchic state 如今,人們隨手亂扔垃圾、逃稅漏稅、發出違禁噪聲,以及開車時表現出來的無政府狀態,可謂是司空見慣。

There is no limitation for the collective thought . it ' s an anarchic journey no one could stop 一種集體意志在這個故事里是沒有約制的,橫沖直闖的,是一種無人阻擋的尋歡之旅。

And somewhere deep in herself because of it , she was a nihilist , and really anarchic 因為這個,在她心的深處,她是個虛無主義者,而且真的是無政府主義者。

Anarchic sleepers fail to conform to convention regarding the proper time and place for sleep 無法無天的睡眠者無法遵照傳統,在適切的時間與地點睡覺。

This anarchic story is told in grunts , howls or simple gibberish 這個無政府主義的故事是通過咕噥、嗥叫或沒有含義的胡言亂語講述的。

His new magazine has anarchic tendencies 他的新雜志有無政府主義傾向。

He disciplined my anarchic tendencies . 他對我的種種無政府主義傾向加以約束。