
anaphylactic adj.【醫學】過敏反應的。

“ so if patients get into trouble - - say , you go into anaphylactic shock or cardiac failure - - they call 911 just like you or me , “ said levin 一旦手術出現意外? ?如過敏性休克或心力衰竭? ?他們能做的和我們一樣:撥打911 。


Disadvantage : gas permeability is not good ; it absorbs humidity and sweat and is easy to become rot ; it is over rigid or over soft and is easy to shrink and collapse and many people have anaphylactic response 缺點:透氣性仍較差,易吸潮吸汗而產生異味和霉變,過硬或過軟,不耐久而收縮偏塌,部分人有過敏反應。

Pineapple : after part of people eat the pineapple to be able to appeardisgusting , vomit , the abdominal pain diarrhea , the lips tingle withnumbness , the skin itch and so on the anaphylactic phenomenon 菠蘿:一部分人吃菠蘿后會出現惡心、嘔吐、腹痛腹瀉、口唇發麻、皮膚發癢等過敏現象。

The immediate reversal of the cardiac arrhythmia after epinephrine administration in this case suggests a direct relationship between the atrial fibrillation and the anaphylactic response 該例病人使用腎上腺素后心律失常立即緩解,說明心房纖顫與過敏反應有直接關系。

Anaphylactic shock was suspected , so iv hydrocortisone and a plasma expander were given ; this normalised bp but had no effect on her other symptoms 由于懷疑為過敏性休克,給予靜脈注射氫化可的松,補充血容量。血壓恢復正常,但她的其他癥狀沒有改善。

If there is a large quantity of larval secretions in the tissues , severe allergic reactions may result , causing anaphylactic allergic shock 若大量棘口蚴液指棘口吸蟲幼蟲的分泌液或體液進入組織,可引起強烈的過敏反應,甚至造成過敏性休克。

“ so if patients get into trouble - - say , you go into anaphylactic shock or cardiac failure - - they call 911 just like you or me , “ said levin 一旦手術出現意外? ?如過敏性休克或心力衰竭? ?他們能做的和我們一樣:撥打911 。

Positive skin test to cefazolin are evidence that the generalized reaction during anesthesia was caused by an anaphylactic response to cefazolin 頭孢唑啉皮試陽性是麻醉期間發生對頭孢唑啉全身過敏反應的證據。

Immediate anaphylactic reaction to any of the vaccine components or following previous dose of dtap - ipv 對新疫苗或新疫苗所含的任何成份曾出現過敏反應者

Anaphylactic shock due to cefuroxime in a patient taking penicillin prophylaxis 頭孢呋新引起1例使用青霉素預防治療的病人發生過敏性休克。

If you ' ve had an anaphylactic reaction in the past , carry medications with you as an antidote 如果你過去有過敏癥病史,應隨身攜帶藥品。

Can you describe the pathway leading to a release of mediators during an anaphylactic reaction 請敘述發生過敏反應時介質釋放的途徑。

Anaphylactic shock in a child receiving intravenous infusion of fosfomycin sodium 磷霉素鈉靜滴致兒童過敏性休克

What is the difference between anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions 過敏反應與類過敏反應的區別?

Some people have anaphylactic reactions from unknown causes 一些人也會因為不知名的原因引發過敏反應。

Wang lie ' s experiences on the treatment of anaphylactic purpura 大活絡膠囊治療胸痹的臨床研究

Discussing anaphylactic rhinitis in traditional chinese medicine 中醫藥治療過敏性鼻炎的探討

Cases of anaphylactic rhinitis with biyanfukang decoction 鼻炎復康湯治療過敏性鼻炎65例65

The latter route has the advantage of speedier absorption but in theory gives a greater risk of an overwhelming anaphylactic reaction . 后一方法具有吸收較快的優點,但理論上有產生全身性過敏反應的巨大危險。