
anaphora n.1.【語言學】首語重復(法) (opp. epist...


Many approaches developed offer approximation solutions , including principle - based , such as purely syntactic ones , semantic and pragmatic ones , and statistics - based ones . in this paper , we put forward a modal to resolve anaphora ( including empty pronoun ) based on the characteristics of chinese . in this method , we apply some corresponding rules on the sentences after their patterns distinguished in the text , then analyze the semantic relation of the components of the sentence and form a corresponding semantic network , get rid of some candidates according to the co - constrain of the nodes in that network , put every component which refers to people into forward - looking centers , ordered by their semantic role , ascertain the hierarchy of sentences , analyze the transition types resulted by the scheme of different resolutions , finally , choice the most possible scheme of resolution according to the precedence of the types 本文針對漢語的特點建立了一個包括零代詞在內的代詞消解模型:在語義結構文法思想的指導下,對文本中的句子模式識別后,采用相應的規則式,然后分析句中成分之間的表層語義條件并產生相應的語義網絡,利用語義網絡中結點間的相互約束對代詞的某些候選先行詞進行排除,并且把每句中指人的語言成分放到前向中心列表中,以它們所充當的語義成分為排序依據,確定句子的層次結構,最后依據中心理論分析每個候選先行詞對代詞的不同消解所造成的層次相鄰的句子之間的過渡類型,利用過渡類型的優先順序對代詞的候選先行詞進行擇優。

Meeting the difference of text retrieval and sentence retrieval , a new method using integrating anaphora resolution , improved edit distance and vector space model is proposed in this paper . on factoid question type , the precision of answer sentence retrieval is up to 84 . 71 % 針對文本檢索和句子檢索之間的區別,本文主要采用指代消解預處理,改進的編輯距離與向量空間模型相結合的方法,對factoid問題的答案句檢索效果顯著,準確率為84 . 71 % 。

Huang , y . 1994 . the syntax and pragmatics of anaphora : a study with special reference to chinese . cambridge : cambridge university press 詳細論證可參考:熊學亮, 1997 . “從指代研究看新格賴斯語用學的實用性” , 《外國語(上海外國語大學學報) 》 1997年第3期(總第109期) : 13 19 。

So , it is very important to resolve pronominal anaphora in natural language processing , and that has attracted the attentions of increasing researchers 人稱代詞的自動消解正是為了解決類似問題。目前提出了各種基于語法、語義、語用以及統計的消解方法。

However , it also challenges computational researchers to do with a great of nontrivial problems , one of them is anaphora resolution 人稱代詞消解,就是確定人稱代詞與先行詞之間的相互關系,從而明確人稱代詞究竟指代什么對象。

Zero anaphora is a type of anaphora in which a form may be omitted because its referent is known or can be guessed 本文主要從零形回指的識別和分類、零形回指使用的必要性以及零形回指使用的可及性三個方面進行了分析與探討。

Anaphora is a process where a word or phrase refers back to another word or phrase , which was used earlier in a text or conversation 零形回指是三種回指形式之一,指的是通過零形式從先行項那里獲得指代。

Topic marking in chinese narrative discourse : a perspective in discourse anaphora resolution 從回指確認的角度看漢語敘述體篇章中的主題標示

Study on chinese pronominal anaphora resolution based on discourse representation theory 基于語篇表述理論的漢語人稱代詞的消解研究

Unidirectionality of the anaphora of third person pronouns in english and chinese 英漢第三人稱代詞照應的單向性及其相關問題

Analysis of associative anaphora 聯想回指分析

Discourse anaphora resolution : testing a cognitive linguistic model 語篇回指的認知語言學研究與驗證

On anaphora resolution within chinese text 漢語篇章的指代消解淺論

Discourse anaphora resolution : a cognitive linguistic exploration 語篇回指的認知語言學探索

An analysis of third person pronouns in deep anaphora 第三人稱代詞在深層回指中的應用分析

Research on chinese pronominal anaphora resolution 的系統功能語言學研究

Indirect anaphora : classification and interpretation 間接回指的分類及其解釋模式的研究

On the resolution of pronominal anaphora in english 英語語篇中代詞回指的認知轉喻研究