
anamnesis n.1.回想,回憶(尤指對假想的前世生活的回憶)。2.【...

Declare the ginseng that stipulates disease is planted to keep staff , should by via treating hospital disease director ou fills in “ fine disease of regulation of insurance of primary medical treatment plants worker of the town that start city outpatient service examines and approve a watch “ , add the material such as result of him anamnesis , diagnostic proof and the closest examination , assay , after the sectional examine and verify that via the hospital responsible and primary medical treatment is sure to manage , by place unit cure signing up for city protects agency orgnaization , appraisal of classics expert group accords with condition and cure to protect agency orgnaization to examine and approve assentient , send “ formulary disease is planted special anamnesis “ , formulary disease is enjoyed to plant inside significant time of the regulation pay of medical treatment insurance 申報規定病種的參保人員,應由經治醫院病區主任填寫《嘉興市城鎮職工基本醫療保險規定病種門診審批表》 ,附本人病歷、診斷證實及最近的檢查、化驗結果等材料,經醫院負責基本醫療保險治理的部門審核后,由所在單位報市醫保經辦機構,經專家組鑒定符合條件和醫保經辦機構審批同意者,發給《規定病種專用病歷》 ,在規定的有效時間內享受規定病種醫療保險待遇。

Patient by “ special anamnesis “ and “ social insurance card “ ( ic gets stuck ) , specific aim outpatient service is made treat in the hospital of the regulation that decide a dot and accord with formulary disease to plant serve project list with medicine and medical treatment , its charge inspects charge of be in hospital , pay with class scale by 3 class hospital , and do not set a fu biao to allow 患者憑《專用病歷》和《社會保險卡》 ( ic卡) ,在規定的定點醫院作針對性門診治療且符合規定病種用藥和醫療服務項目目錄的,其費用視作住院費用,按三級醫院同檔次比例支付,且不設起付標準。


In outpatient service of epileptic specialized subject , what secure relatively is have masterly the doctor that treats a technology , have unified diagnostic level , can have thorough analysis and research to diagnose and be being treated , hand - in - hand travel periodic is followed visit observation ; can the specific characteristic according to patient ' s condition of a certain patient , make individual change , the plan of diagnosis and treatment that has specific aim , build corresponding card , anamnesis and observation form to wait , for epileptic cure research was offerred convenient ; conduct propaganda concerns epileptic basic knowledge , reach birth arrangement to the patient ' s life , job , study , marriage , offer rationalize proposal ; make the patient ' s diagnosis , anthology medicine , dosage , usage , side - effect , curative effect , accompany behavior of disease , intellectual growth , spirit , mentation to wait to lie under close observation of the doctor 在癲癇專科門診,有相對固定的具有精湛治療技術的醫生,有統一的診斷標準,能對診斷和治療進行深入的分析和研究,并進行定期的隨訪觀察;能根據某個病人病情的具體特點,制定個體化、有針對性的診療計劃,建立相應的卡片、病歷及觀察表格等,為癲癇的治療研究提供了方便;宣傳有關癲癇的基本知識,對病人的生活、工作、學習、婚姻及生育安排,提供合理化建議;使病人的診斷、選藥、劑量、用法、副作用、療效、伴隨疾病、智力發育、精神行為、心理狀態等都處在醫生的嚴密觀察之下。

Declare the ginseng that stipulates disease is planted to keep staff , should by via treating hospital disease director ou fills in “ fine disease of regulation of insurance of primary medical treatment plants worker of the town that start city outpatient service examines and approve a watch “ , add the material such as result of him anamnesis , diagnostic proof and the closest examination , assay , after the sectional examine and verify that via the hospital responsible and primary medical treatment is sure to manage , by place unit cure signing up for city protects agency orgnaization , appraisal of classics expert group accords with condition and cure to protect agency orgnaization to examine and approve assentient , send “ formulary disease is planted special anamnesis “ , formulary disease is enjoyed to plant inside significant time of the regulation pay of medical treatment insurance 申報規定病種的參保人員,應由經治醫院病區主任填寫《嘉興市城鎮職工基本醫療保險規定病種門診審批表》 ,附本人病歷、診斷證實及最近的檢查、化驗結果等材料,經醫院負責基本醫療保險治理的部門審核后,由所在單位報市醫保經辦機構,經專家組鑒定符合條件和醫保經辦機構審批同意者,發給《規定病種專用病歷》 ,在規定的有效時間內享受規定病種醫療保險待遇。

Insurant pays to pay cash first , hold the following data to protect pay business window to submit an expense account to medical service of social security branch next : ( one ) id photocopy ; ( 2 ) ic blocks xerox ; ( 3 ) collect fees receipt original ; ( 4 ) collect fees detail is only ; ( 5 ) anamnesis of be in hospital or leave hospital brief summary photocopy ; ( 6 ) the disease diagnoses certificate , the ability that belong to cure kind charge , still must offer an examination to diagnose report odd photocopy 被保險人先墊付現金,然后持以下資料到社保部門醫保待遇業務窗報銷: (一)身份證復印件; (二) ic卡復印件; (三)收費收據原件; (四)收費明細單; (五)住院病歷或出院小結復印件; (六)疾病診斷證實書,屬醫技類費用,還須提供檢查診斷報告單復印件。

Patient by “ special anamnesis “ and “ social insurance card “ ( ic gets stuck ) , specific aim outpatient service is made treat in the hospital of the regulation that decide a dot and accord with formulary disease to plant serve project list with medicine and medical treatment , its charge inspects charge of be in hospital , pay with class scale by 3 class hospital , and do not set a fu biao to allow 患者憑《專用病歷》和《社會保險卡》 ( ic卡) ,在規定的定點醫院作針對性門診治療且符合規定病種用藥和醫療服務項目目錄的,其費用視作住院費用,按三級醫院同檔次比例支付,且不設起付標準。

However , the anamnesis on the institution evolution hi network economy and its infection on enterprise competition is relatively disperse and not integrated . in the view of system , how to engender a legible acquaintance on the institution evolution in network economy by a full - scale discuss on it , and instruct enterprise competition is the final objective of this thesis 然而,對網絡經濟中的制度變遷及其對競爭的影響的思想是不完整的和相對分散的,如何從系統的觀點出發,通過對網絡經濟制度變遷的全面討論形成對網絡經濟制度發展的清晰認識,并以此來指導企業競爭活動,是本文寫作的最終目的。

Pay to pay cash by insurant , protect pay business window to submit an expense account to medical service of social security branch by the following data next : ( one ) id photocopy ; ( 2 ) ic blocks xerox ; ( 3 ) collect fees receipt original ; ( 4 ) collect fees detail is only ; ( 5 ) anamnesis of be in hospital or leave hospital brief summary photocopy ; ( 6 ) the disease diagnoses certificate , the ability that belong to cure kind of charge , still must offer an examination to diagnose report odd photocopy 由被保險人墊付現金,然后憑以下資料到社保部門醫保待遇業務窗報銷: (一)身份證復印件; (二) ic卡復印件; (三)收費收據原件; (四)收費明細單; (五)住院病歷或出院小結復印件; (六)疾病診斷證實書,屬醫技類費用的,還須提供檢查診斷報告單復印件。

General the medicaments on surgical prescription is lacteal peaceful grain , soft capsule of 6 flavour glutinous rehmannia , lacteal peaceful grain is on anamnesis , i take drug by prescription , where is the doctor ' s responsibility 普外科醫生的處方上的藥物是乳寧顆粒,六味地黃軟膠囊,病歷上是乳寧顆粒,我是按處方服藥的,醫生的責任在哪里?

The current system of punishment is diseconomical , we should get over the anamnesis of severe punishment , constitute the system and measures which are matching to the venial penalty 摘要我國現行刑罰體系不經擠,應切實克服重刑思想,建立健全與刑罰輕緩化相配套的制度與措施。

We become aware of these ideas through recollection or anamnesis . 我們是通過前世回憶而體會到這些概念的。