
analysis n.(pl. -ses )1.分解,分析;【數學】解析。...

It is comparatively rare that an “exact“ analysis can be made . 一般很少能夠進行“精確”分析。

analysis situs

The analysis chamber consists of a metal block which houses an annulus . 分析室由金屬塊組成,內裝一個環。

Our common sense enables us to anticipate part of its analysis . 常識使得我們能夠預料到這種分析的一部分。

That newspaper has a very good analysis of the political situation . 這份報紙對政治局勢作了很好的分析。

This kind of network analysis does not proceed by formal rules . 這種網絡分析方法不按照正規的方法進行。

At this time the subject of topology was known as analysis situs . 在這個時候,拓撲學被稱做位置幾何學。

More detailed information is needed to make a stability analysis . 進行穩定性分析就需要較詳細的資料。

This noteworthy discovery was made by spectroscopic analysis . 這一值得注視的發現是由光譜分析作出的。

Systems analysis was, after all, an economists' technique . 系統分析,畢竟是一種經濟學家的拿手好戲。

This is particularly pertinent in the analysis of industrial wastes . 在工業廢水分析中這點特別重要。

This fact cannot be blinked in a professional analysis . 這一事實在一次專業性的分析中是無法否認的。

This procedure is obviously much more tedious than sol analysis . 這一方法與溶膠分析相比過于繁重。

While this was duly noted, one missed in the analysis . 盡管注意了這個,但在分析中仍有一點忽略了。

They made spectroscopy a primary tool of chemical analysis . 他們使光譜學成為化學分析的主要工具。

In the final analysis the will of the people is irresistible . 歸根到底,人民的意志是不可抗拒的。

He had espoused the joint use of analysis and pure geometry . 他贊成聯合運用解析幾何與純粹幾何。

A mathematical analysis would show that they are truly random . 數學分析會表明它們真正是無規的。

The analysis lacks depth . 分析不夠透徹。

Such analysis is one aspect of the subject of phytosociology . 這種分析是植物社會學的一個內容。